15 PhD positions in Chemistry in France, Netherlands, UK, Germany, and Belgium

We are currently looking for 15 excellent candidates to pursue a PhD degree in one of the partner institutions in France, Netherlands, UK, Germany, and Belgium.

Please submit your CV and motivation letter to eurosequences@gmail.com.

The deadline for applications are 30th of May 2015!!!

Partner institutions and supervisors:

Jean Francois Lutz -Project cordinator
(CNRS – Institut Charles Sadron – FRANCE)

Website: http://www-ics.u-strasbg.fr/spip.php?article960

Bert Meijer -Project participant
(Eindhoven University of Technology – THE NETHERLANDS)

Website: http://www.tue.nl/meijergroup

David Leigh -Project participant
(University of Manchester – UK)

Website: http://www.catenane.net

Hans Borner -Project participant
(Humboldt University – GERMANY)

Website: http://www.boernerlab.de/boernerlab_groupboerner_en.html

Remzi Becer -Project participant
(Queen Mary University of London – UK)

Website: www.becergroup.com

Filip Du Prez -Project participant
(Ghent University – Belgium)

Website: http://www.pcr.ugent.be

Howard Colquhoun -Project participant
(University of Reading – UK)

Website: http://www.reading.ac.uk/chemistry/about/staff/h-m-colquhoun.aspx

Jan Behrends -Project participant
(Ionera – GERMANY)


Stephane Joly -Project participant
(Peugeot Citroen Automotives – FRANCE)

Website: http://www.psa-peugeot-citroen.com/en

Anja Palmans -Project participant and training supervisor
(Eindhoven University of Technology – THE NETHERLANDS)

Website: http://www.tue.nl/en/university/departments/chemical-engineering-and-chemistry/the-department/staff/detail/ep/e/d/ep-uid/19951180/

Please contact to the Project Manager Dr. Roy Raj Kumar for any enquiries.

Dr. Raj Kumar Roy

Project Manager in Euro-Sequences
Precision Macromolecular Chemistry
Institut Charles Sadron, UPR22-CNRS
23, rue du Loess,BP 84047
67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2