Milan International Summer School: Political Communication, Electoral Behaviour 1258 views

University of Milan and the Department of Social and Political Sciences invites applications for 6th Milan International Summer School. The University and the Political Communication Division of the International Communication Association (ICA) are jointly organizing the Summer School in Political Communication and Electoral Behaviour

Duration: 9-14 July 2018

Location: Milan


  • public opinion
  • effects of election campaigns
  • social media
  • populism

Number of places: 30 PhD candidates and early career academics in Communication, Sociology, Psychology and Political Science, selected on a competitive base.


Applications to be submitted online with the following documents:

  • Research proposal (3-pages) or an extended abstract of a research paper on issues related to the main theme of the Summer School.
  • CV
  • Brief bio (max. 200 words) mentioning main research interests and ongoing projects
  • Supporting recommendation letter from an advisor or another academic supervisor endorsing the candidate with a brief explication of why the candidate will benefit from the Summer School

Important dates:

  • Application deadline – 1 February 2018
  • Selected candidates will be contacted – 15 March 2018
  • Registration deadline – 16th April, 2018
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Milan
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasSocial Sciences, Political Sciences, Communication, Sociology, Psychology
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline1 February 2018

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