BIGSSS (Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences) offers admission regular PhD program in Thematic Field C & Postdoc program.

Requirements for regular PhD Program:

  • Applicant must hold an excellent MA degree (or national equivalents like the German “Diplom” or “Magister”) in a discipline pertinent to BIGSSS’ Thematic Field C, (Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, or related social science disciplines like Law, Economics or Mass Communication).
  • The degree must be completed by May 31 of the year of the program start.
  • Applicant must be proficient in English language.

Requirements for Postdoc Program:

  • Applicant must hold PhD in political science, sociology, psychology, or related social science disciplines within the last three years.
  • The research project will be conducted in English-language so full professional proficiency in English is expected.
  • Applicants need to have graduated prior to commencing their postdoctoral stay.


  • Personal Information form (to be completed online)

For PhD program:

  • CV, Preliminary Dissertation Proposal, Proposal Abstract (One-page), Statement of Purpose, Statement of Skills and Experience with Methods of Empirical Social Research, MA/BA/Diplom/Magister Certificates, University Grade Transcripts, Certification of English Proficiency (TOEFL, iELTS, CAE/CPE (Cambridge Exams) are accepted), 2 Recent Letters of Recommendation, GRE (Optional)

For Postdoc program:

  • CV & Publication Record
  • Career Statement & Research Plan
  • Research/Publication Plan
  • Two Samples of Publications (if available)
  • MA/BA/Diplom/Magister Certificates
  • University Grade Transcripts
  • Certification of English Proficiency (optional)
  • 2 Recent Letters of Recommendation (to be submitted by referees via the online admissions system)
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationBremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral/Doctoral
Subject areasSocial Sciences, Law, Political Science, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, Mass Communication
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineJanuary and Setember (Yearly)

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