The Young Investigator Program (YIP) is for exceptionally talented, young scientists who want to establish themselves promptly as independent researchers.

Duration: 5 years (to be reviewed after 3 years)

Number of fellowships: at least 1 every year


  • Applicant is eligible if he/she has just finished their PhD degree and would like to work independently;
  • Applicant may be a young scientist with some post-doctoral experience who would like to explore a specific question; and those who have embarked on a completely new direction early in their career.
  • Institute encourages approaches that address new questions or take novel paths.
  • There are no targeted specific areas of hiring and appointments are made in research areas across biology.
  • Although applicants in new disciplines are also encouraged, as the boundaries of biological research expand and intersect with the physical sciences, engineering, and medicine.
  • The program is open to Indian nationals as well as international applicants are encouraged to apply.


  • Applicants with considerable postdoctoral experience (more than 3 years), or who are already senior independent investigators.
  • Proposals that are primarily high-throughput screening projects with no central scientific hypothesis are not encouraged.

How to apply:

  • In general, the earlier the better. Apply with a precise plan for future research
  • Applicant’s track record must show the requisite intellect, technical capabilities, commitment and potential.
  • CV with a list of all publications,
  • Summary of research accomplishments (1-2 pages).
  • Reprints of most significant papers (max. 5) as soft copies for ready reference.
  • Research proposal describing plans for future research that is planned over a 5-year period (3-5 pages).
  • 6 Reference letters with the names and addresses, email.
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationNational Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS)
Fellowship LevelResearcher
Subject areasBiological Sciences, Natural Sciences
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen for Indian as well as International applicants

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