Translational health science and technology institute (THSTI), NCR Biotech Science Cluster invites applications for recruitment of Faculty positions (on direct recruitment basis). Appointments on offer are at the level of Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor depending on diversity of experience & quality of scientific accomplishments

Duration: initially 5 years or up to the age of 60 years with 1 year probation


Salary (Rs)Age limit
Professor14 years1,72,88955 years
Associate Professor7 years1,62,57955 years
Assistant Professor3 years1,05,43245 years


  • Applicants must hold MD (or equivalent) or PhD with basic as MBBS/BDS/BVSc or PhD degree in life science, Biotechnology, Biomedical engineering, Biotech Pharmacology or equivalent.

How to Apply:

  • Apply online with the following documents (in pdf format):
  • Soft copy of your passport size photo.
  • Comprehensive CV containing details of qualification, positions held, professional experiences & list of publications and patents
  • List of publications and patents
  • Three of the best publications
  • List of three potential referees with names and email addresses.
  • Proposed scientific program and its relevance and connectivity to the on-going research at THSTI (2 pages).

Note: This is a rolling advertisement

—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationTranslational health science and technology institute (THSTI)
Fellowship LevelFaculty
Subject areas

Life Science, Biotechnology, Biomedical engineering, Biotech Pharmacology

Fellowship amountVaries for each position
EligibilityOpen to Indian nationals
Deadline31st March, 30th June, 30th September, 31st December

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