Postdoc in molecular biology and protein expression/purification. biochemistry and biophysics

The research group of Demet Arac, Ph.D. at the University of Chicago is seeking a postdoctoral fellow with expertise in protein biochemistry. The laboratory is housed in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.The overarching goal of our group is to understand the structure/function relationship of cell surface proteins involved in cellular adhesion in the brain. We are particularly interested in understanding how extracellular adhesion between cells couples to intracellular signaling.

Postdoctoral fellows will have the opportunity to learn the newest methods in biochemistry and biophysics, in addition to complementary functional methods. We use various approaches, including X-ray crystallography, molecular biology, protein biochemistry, and insect and mammalian cell-based studies. For more information,

please refer to the lab website:

The candidate will be eligible to apply for the Chicago Fellows Program that is available for outstanding young scientists at the University of Chicago by the Biological Sciences Division.

Candidates must have a recent Ph.D. degree and a strong background in molecular biology and protein expression/purification. Those with experience in x-ray crystallography are preferred.

If interested, please submit a CV including contact information for three references to: