Postdoc in Life Sciences

Postdoctoral grants – BOF (Special Research Fund), Belgium (2016)

BOF (Special Research Fund) – Support for postdoctoral researchers. The postdoctoral fellowships are intended to support researchers who have only recently

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13 PhD , Postdoc and Tenure track scientist in Chemistry and Biotechnology, 2016

Multiple PhD , Postdoc and Tenure track scientist positions are listed below in the field of chemistry, biotechnology, biochemistry, structural biology,

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PTSP: Postdoctoral Translational Scholars Program at University of Michigan, USA (2016)

Postdoctoral Translational Scholars Program (PTSP): The Postdoctoral Translational Scholars Program (PTSP) is a multidisciplinary career development award designed to prepare individuals with

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SibFU Postdoc Fellowship Program at Siberian Federal University, Russia (2016)

Call for SibFU Postdoc Fellowship Program:: Siberian Federal University (SibFU) calls for an open competition for the SibFU Postdoc Fellowship Program.

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JRf and Postdoc position in Biotechnology and Neurobiology at JNU, India (2016)

Jawaharlal Nehru University has been granted funds by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India to initiate an Inter-School

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3 Postdoc Positions in biotechnology (Protein Aggregation), Belgium, 2016

3 Postdoc Positions in Cross-seeding of Protein Aggregation at VIB Switch Laboratory, K.U.Leuven, Norway: VIB is a life sciences research institute,

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L’Oréal Fellowships for Women:Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, USA (2015)

Jobs, Higher educations L’Oréal USA For Women in Science Fellowships: The L’Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program awards five

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Postdoctoral Green Chemistry for Life Grant Programme by PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC, USA (2015)

Green Chemistry for Life Grant Programme 3rd call for applications: The PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC grant programme aims to promote the implementation of innovative

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Postdoctoral grants: CCTS Scholar Application program, USA (2015)

CCTS Clinical Scholar Application program by the Rockefeller University. Applications are now open for the 2016 ( Applications will be accepted

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HBIGS: International PhD programme; Life Sciences

The HBIGS International PhD Program offers a fully funded, globally recognized research fellowship in advanced biosciences. It targets both fresh

Fully funded, two-year residential program for junior scholars

The Tufts University Residential Postdoctoral Fellowships, hosted by the Center for the Humanities at Tufts (CHAT), offer a fully funded,

Google India PhD Fellowships

The Google PhD Fellowship Program is a prestigious initiative supporting exceptional PhD students in computer science and related fields. It

Postdoc Fellowship Program: Institut Curie

Postdoc Fellowship Program: Institut Curie Each year, several of postdocs join Institut Curie laboratories to learn, share ideas, and actively

Brain Pool Program South Korea

Brain Pool Program South Korea This program is designed to invite overseas outstanding scientists for the enhancement of research competence

PhD, Postdoc: Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)

PhD and Postdoc at the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR): National Fellowships are awarded to eminent Indian Social

BIGSSS Regular PhD and Postdoc program

BIGSSS (Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences) offers admission regular PhD program in Thematic Field C & Postdoc program.

International PhD Programme; Life Sciences: Vienna Biocenter

The Vienna Biocenter (VBC) Doctoral Programme is an esteemed research-oriented educational initiative designed to foster the scientific training of young

PhD fellowship: Biology and Biophysics

Institut Pasteur is inviting applications for PhD and M2 scholarships for physicians, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. The grant program

Funding and Awards: 200 Plus Fellowships, EMBO

Funding and awards: European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO, Heidelberg, Germany) EMBO offers awards and financial support for researtcheres and scientists

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