Green Chemistry Grants: Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Society (2015)

Green Chemistry Grants: ACS Petroleum Research Fund – The primary objective of the ACS Green Chemistry Institute (ACS GCI) is to promote advance research in green chemistry by promoting funding, increasing opportunities, and developing information on the benefits of green chemistry to international students.

General Introduction: ACS PRF research grant programs support fundamental research in the petroleum field, and development of the next generation of engineers and scientists through advanced scientific education. Research areas supported include chemistry, the earth sciences, chemical and petroleum engineering, and related fields such as polymers and materials science. Membership in the American Chemical Society is not a requirement or a factor in awarding ACS PRF grants.

While the ACS Petroleum Research Fund (PRF) does not have a specific category of green chemistry research, several green chemistry projects have been supported by PRF. The program welcomes applicants with high quality fundamental research in the petroleum or fossil fuels fields which may have a “green” focus.

The Petroleum Research Fund is an endowed fund, managed by the American Chemical Society that supports fundamental research directly related to petroleum or fossil fuels at nonprofit institutions (generally colleges and universities) in the United States and other countries.

ACS Petroleum Research Fund (ACS PRF) grants are intended as seed money, to enable an investigator to initiate a new research direction. The investigator should not have published or received financial support from another funding agency for the proposed research. Also, proposals that the ACS PRF Advisory Board feels are a logical extension of an investigator’s previous research may be denied as “not a new direction.”

Since the first ACS PRF grants were approved in 1953, several grant programs have evolved to serve segments of the scientific community, including “new investigator” grants and grants to support researchers in departments that do not award doctoral degrees.


Scope of the Fund

Proposals must be for fundamental research in “the petroleum field,” which is defined in our founding document as “petroleum, natural gas, coal, shale, tar sands and like materials.” Fundamental research encompasses the properties of these materials, whereas the petroleum industry undertakes “applied research,” which is outside the scope of ACS PRF. See our list of Research Topics that are supported and not supported by ACS PRF.


CommitteeDiscipline and Areas of Research Support
1Synthetic Organic Chemistry

Organic synthesis, including organic and organometallic reagents and catalysts, and
asymmetric synthesis.


Isotope, organic and sedimentary geochemistry, marine geochemistry, and

3Inorganic Chemistry

Coordination and organometallic chemistry, homogeneous catalysis, small soluble
clusters, new ligands, main group, transition metal, and lanthanide and actinide
metal chemistry.

4Physical Organic Chemistry

Reaction mechanisms, kinetics, photochemistry, organic radical chemistry, reactive
organic species, enzymes in non-aqueous media working on petroleum substrates.

5Surface Science

Surface phenomena and reactions, heterogeneous catalysis, and characterization of
surfaces directly relevant to petroleum and petroleum products.

6Chemical Physics/Physical Chemistry

Theoretical chemistry, quantum/statistical mechanics, and molecular dynamics;
optical, laser, ultrafast, and mass spectroscopies: and qas phase reactions.

7Polymer Science

Synthesis, characterization, and properties of polymers and organic materials
derived from petroleum sources.

8Geology and Geophysics

Stratigraphy, sedimentology, paleontology, geomorphology, structural geology, and

9Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Engineering studies including process and operations control and design, fluid flow
and multiphase flow dynamics, and related computations.

10Materials Science

Synthesis, characterization, bulk properties and solid-state chemistry of materials
directly relevant to petroleum, or to conversion of petroleum and petroleum products.

  • Grant Types
  • Information for principal investigators on grant programs and eligibility criteria.


Research Grants for Doctoral Departments
New Directions (ND)Grants for new directions
in research
Faculty from Ph.D.-granting colleges and
Next window:
February 8, 2016 to
March 11,2016.
Doctoral New
Investigator (DNI)
Starter grants for new
Faculty from Ph.D.-granting departments
within the first 3 years of their first
academic appointment
Next window:
February 8, 2016 to
March 11,2016.
Research Grants for Non-Doctoral Departments
Undergraduate Research
Grants for undergraduate
Faculty from non-doctoral departmentsNext window:
February 8, 2016 to
March 11,2016.
Undergraduate New
Investigator (UNI)
Starter grants for new
Faculty from non-doctoral departments
within the first 3 years of their first
academic appointment
Next window:
February 8, 2016 to
March 11,2016.

Information for Applicants
If you are thinking about submitting a proposal, please read this first.

Grantees: Manage Your Grant
Information and forms for grantees to manage PRF grant requirements.

Information for peer reviewers asked to evaluate proposals submitted to PRF.

Contact Us
ACS PRF Staff.


Request for Proposals

Proposals are being requested for a $50,000 one-year grant to assist the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable’s biopharma initiative. The focus of the R&D will be toward optimizing the water use in downstream processing steps for monoclonal antibody (mAb) production. Proposals are invited from public and private institutions of higher education worldwide.

Deadline: See the table above