10 PhD positions -Archaeogenetics: MPI for the Science of Human History 2492 views

The Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History and Department of Archaeogenetics is inviting applications for up to 10 PhD positions beginning June 2018.

About the research:
  • The primary research topic of the department is the use of novel scientific approaches, including high throughput sequencing of ancient DNA from human populations and their pathogens, to explore research questions related to human history, gene-culture coevolution, microbiome evolution, and adaptation to infectious disease.
  • The main emphases are the relationships between humans and pathogens, microbial evolution, and population expansions through time.
  • The selected candidates will be part of the newly founded International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for Human history.
  • The Max Planck Institute is not a faculty, but is affiliated to the Friedrich Schiller University, in Jena Germany.
  • Doctoral degrees will be granted by the affiliated university.
Duration: 3-year
Fellowship value: fully-funded
  • Applicant must hold Master’s degree or qualification equivalent to the German diploma (essential) in Anthropology, Archaeology, or a related subject (Master’s students who will graduate soon may also apply).
  • Applicant must have hands-on training and experience in archaeological field or laboratory research, or a relevant background in biology.
  • Applicant must be enthusiastic about learning and exploring research topics in the archaeological sciences.
  • Applicant must be willing to work as part of a research team, while simultaneously running their own research agenda.
  • Apply online

Projects offered in 2018:

  1. Historical Human Population Genetics: Main supervisor: Dr. Stephan Schiffels
  2. Pleistocene Human Population Genetics: Main supervisor:Prof. Johannes Krause, Dr. Wolfgang Haak
  3. Eastern Mediterranean Population Genetics: Main supervisor:Prof. Johannes Krause, Dr. Choongwon Jeong
  4. Neolithic and Bronze Age Population and Immunogenetics in Western Eurasia: Main supervisor:Dr. Wolfgang Haak, Prof. Johannes Krause
  5. Detection and Analysis of Human Pathogens from Metagenomic data: Main supervisor: Dr. Alexander Herbig
  6. The prehistory of the Pacific: Main supervisor: Dr. Adam Powell
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMax Planck Institute for the Science of Human History
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasDevelopmental and Evolutionary Biology & Genetics Immunobiology and Infection Biology & Medicine Social Sciences Linguistics
Fellowship amountFully-funded
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline15th March 2018

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