International Postdoc Korea Research Fellowship (KRF) 25248 views

Korea Research Fellowship (KRF) Program : Individual Postdoc candidates for Korea Research Fellowship Program

For the 2019 KRF announcement, interested postdoctoral researchers currently residing outside of Korea, who have not secured the host institutions in Korea (hereafter KRF candidates) may submit their full CVs with a proposed research plan for KRF program.

Program Goal: KRF invites outstanding postdoctoral researchers in order to achieve an excellent performance in their early stages of their professional careers.


Fields of Research: All fields in science and technology

  1. Biotechnology,
  2. Energy resources,
  3. Aerospace/aviation and marine,
  4. Nano-materials,
  5. Machinery,
  6. Agriculture/fishery and food,
  7. Construction and transportation,
  8. Meteorological environment, and
  9. Basic research field of science.

 Duration of Fellowship: Up to five years (Less than a 3 year research period will be not be acceptable)

Level of Funding: Up to KRW 70 million per annum (personnel costs, living expenses, etc. for KRF fellow)

 Qualifications of KRF candidates:

  1. Foreign national or Korean national post-doc researchers currently residing overseas
  2. Doctoral degree within the past five years (as of the date of official announcement)

How to apply

Applications for the KRF program must be submitted to ERND system of NRF by  host researchers in South Korea through the head of his/her institution (See below)

Deadline: Yet to be announced

  1. Additional documents and information may be required to support the application if necessary
  2. Please bear in mind that NRF only introduces individual applications to the institutions and is in no way a guarantee to secure your host as well as being selected as a KRF fellow.
  3. So if you have not been contacted by any host institutions after submitting the application,
  4. Please keep researching on your own to find host institutions in Korea and submit the KRF application through your host in order to meet the round deadline.
Quick Overview———
OrganizationNational Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
CountrySouth Korea
Subject areasScience and engineering
EligibilityPhD; Open for International students
DeadlineYet to be announced



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