​Applications are invited for 15 PhD positions (Early Stage Researchers) to be funded by the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network “C-PlaNeT – Circular Plastics Network for Training” within the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission.

About the project:
  • C-PlaNeT is a conglomerate of high-profile universities, research institutions and companies located in Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Denmark and Greece.
  • Training of a new generation of researchers for the EU’s circular economy, including the design, processing, use and reuse of plastics.
  • The main C-PlaNeT objectives are:
  • OBJ 1. To decouple plastics from fossil resources
  • OBJ 2. To design for circularity, in terms of both materials and products
  • OBJ 3. To involve the consumer as a stakeholder in a circular-economy future for plastics
  • OBJ 4. To develop efficient waste-to-resource recycling technologies
  • OBJ 5. To develop overarching strategies for circular plastics


  • Applicant must be an Early-stage researcher (ESR). ESRs are those who are, at the time of recruitment by the host, in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers.
  • ESRs are required to undertake trans-national mobility (i.e. move from one country to another) when taking up the appointment. At the time of selection by the host organisation, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment.
  • ESRs must demonstrate their ability to understand and express themselves in both written and spoken English is sufficiently high for them to derive the full benefit from the network training.


​Applicants need to complete an application form including:

  • A detailed CV listing education, work experience, publications, relevant other activities
  • Motivation: a) why you want to do a PhD?; b) why are you applying for this specific topic?
  • A language certificate (IELTS min. 7, TOEFL internet-based min. 90 or similar level as proven by other tests), if available
  • At least one recommendation letters (academic reference)
  • Transcript(s) of previous academic records
Available projects:

ESR 1: Biobased plastics for a circular economy

ESR 2: Chemical design for Recyclability

ESR 3: Product Design for Circularity

ESR 4 An innovative catalytic system for the exchange reaction of phosphate esters with N- nucleophiles towards the production of sustainable and recyclable phosphorus flame-retardant additives

ESR 5 New strategies and business models for a circular plastics transition

ESR 6 Consumer Practices in a Circular Society

ESR 7 Development and evaluation of future collection and logistics system for eco-designed Plastics

ESR 8 Odour characterization, monitoring, control and removal from recycled plastics

ESR 9 Solvent techniques for closed loop recycling of plastics

ESR 10 Chemical recycling of plastic waste by reactor and catalyst engineering

ESR 11 Long-term mechanical recycling of blended polymers

ESR 12 Valorizing pyrolysis gases back to monomers

ESR 13 Politics and governance in a circular plastics economy

ESR 14 Environmental assessment modelling of plastic flows – the role of additives in circularity

ESR 15 Recycling of polymers from collected ocean/beach plastics

—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMarie-Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network
CountryBelgium, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Denmark and Greece
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasChemical Engineering, Material Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Science, Applied Physics, Bioengineering
Fellowship amountAs per MSCA rules
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineDecember 31, 2019


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