18 Scientist ‘B’ in DRDO in Chemistry, Radiotherapy physics, Medical Biochemistry 5375 views

18 Scientist ‘B’ are open, RAC invites online applications in the pay band PB-3 (Rs-15600-39100, grade pay Rs-5400/-) in specified categories and disciplines. Total remunerations at the time of joining will be approximately Rs-60,000/-pm at the present Delhi rate (likely to be revised as per the recommendations of the seventh central pay commission).

The selected applicants will be posted at Armed Forces Medical College ( AFMC) / Service Selection Board (Army). Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) is a premier medical institute of India acknowledged as a centre of excellence for education and research. The Armed Forces Medical College provides training to undergraduate and postgraduate medical and nursing students with assured career prospects in the defence services.

The Armed Forces Medical College is also involved in conducting research in various medical subjects as well as those aspects which would affect the morale and performance of the armed forces both in war and peace. The vacancies in the subject / discipline of Psychology are for Service Selection Boards (SSB), Army at Selection Centres at Ropar, Allahabad and Bhopal.

A: Part I – Screening Based on Valid GATE 2015/ 2016 Score

Scientist ‘B’ in Chemistry Gen (1): Ist Class Master’s Degree in Chemistry from a recognized University or equivalent.


Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry

B: Part II – Screening Based on Percentage of Marks in Essential Qualification

Scientist ‘B’ in Medical Biochemistry OBC(1) ST(1):

Ist Class Master’s Degree in Medical Biochemistry from a recognized University or equivalent.

Scientist ‘B’ in Biophysics Gen (1)

Ist Class Master’s Degree in Biophysics from a recognized University or equivalent.

Scientist ‘B’ in Radiotherapy physics OBC (1)

Ist Class Master’s Degree in Radiotherapy physics from a recognized University or equivalent.

Scientist ‘B’ inPharmacy Gen (1)

Ist Class Master’s Degree in Pharmacy from a recognized University or equivalent.

Scientist ‘B’ inPsychology Gen (7) OBC (3) SC (2)

Ist Class Master’s Degree in Psychology from a recognized University or equivalent.

How to Apply:

Online registration on RAC website (http://rac.gov.in/) is mandatory.

  1. Applicants are required to submit their applications online along with legible and lighter file containing scanned copies of certificates for essential and higher educational qualification, if any, along with percentage of marks (duly supported by the mark-sheets), date of birth certificate, experience claimed if any.
  2. All applicants, whether in Govt. service or in Govt. owned organizations, should also submit their applications online directly to the Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) and such candidates are required to upload a signed declaration (as per the proforma available at RAC website) that they have informed their Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) in writing, that they have applied for the post in DRDO. However, such applicants, if in regular service whether in permanent or temporary capacity, are required to produce a “No Objection Certificate”(NOC).
  3. Applicants are advised to retain a copy of the online recruitment application (pdf) along with acknowledge slip generated after locking of online application form.
  4. Application completed in all respect will only be considered as locked application and only such applications shall be considered for further processing.


Online submission starts on: 09 September 2016 at 1700 Hrs (IST)

Online submission closes on : 29 September 2016 at 1700 Hrs (IST)

Personal interview schedule (Tentative) : November 2016 onwards

Visit the RAC website for updates

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