20 Postdoc fellowships: Basque Foundation for Science 4822 views

Ikerbasque – the Basque Foundation for Science is inviting applications for a new call offering 20 positions for postdoctoral researchers. These positions are financed by the Basque Government, the European Commission and the host institution where the researcher will develop his/her research: therefore the acceptance letter of the host institution is mandatory.

About the fellowship:
  • These five year Fellowships are directed to promising young researchers; they are intended to offer a track towards a PI role and independent research.
  • The selected Fellows should be able to acquire the necessary skills for a research leader role.
  • Ikerbasque is committed to offer a long-term career to the research community: Fellows in their 5th year can be assessed for a permanent position.
  • This call is co-financed by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cofund Programme of the European Commission; up to 75% of the positions will be awarded to candidates who meet the Marie Curie international mobility criteria, meaning the applicant has not lived, worked or studied in Spain for more than 12 months in the three years immediately prior to the deadline of this call.
  • Promising young researchers with a solid research track and international experience.


  • The applicants must have their PhD completed between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2018.
  • This eligibility period might be extended under special circumstances such as maternity (18 months for each child) or long-term illness (documented amount of leave actually taken).
  • Researchers with a permanent position in the Basque Country are not eligible under this call.
  • The call is open to researchers of all nationalities and across all disciplines.


Apply online  and upload the following:

  • CV and the proposed research project.
  • At least two reference letters.
  • An acceptance letter from the host institution, which is mandatory since the
  • Fellowships are partly co-funded by the host institution.
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationIkerbasque – the Basque Foundation for Science
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amountAnnual gross salary of 36,600 €
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline10 March 2021

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