2018/2019 Gerda Henkel Fellowships: New Europe College 1766 views

New Europe College, Institute for Advanced Study in the humanities and social sciences announces a Call for Applications for its newly launched GERDA HENKEL Fellowships. The program targets young researchers / academics working in the fields of humanities.

Study areas:

  • Archaeology
  • Art History
  • Historical Islamic Studies
  • History
  • History of Law
  • History of Science
  • Prehistory and Early History

Fellowship value:

  • monthly stipend: 750 € (tax free)
  • Accommodation, comprising of living quarters and working space.
  • free access to the NEC library and electronic resources/databases;
  • Travel from the home country to Bucharest and back, visa and insurance costs (up to 1000 €);
  • Research field trip abroad during the fellowship period – up to 1,500 € (a one-time allowance);
  • Research expenses (100 € / month).


  • Applicant must hold Doctorate in the fields of the historical humanities
  • Applicant must be national of one of the following countries: Afghanistan, Belarus, China (only Tibet and Xinjiang Autonomous Regions), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan
  • Applicant having international research experience (participation in projects and refereed conferences) and publications in peer-reviewed academic editions would have advantage.
  • Applicants below the age of 45, and to those who have not yet benefited from a Fellowship at NEC will be preferred.

Submission of application:

  • Applications to be submitted in electronic format only, to the address: applications@nec.ro
  • Applicants must quote in the Subject field of their e-mail message “Gerda Henkel Fellowship”.
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationNew Europe College
Fellowship LevelResearch awards
Subject areasSocial Sciences, Humanities, Archaeology, Art History, Historical Islamic Studies. History. History of Law. History of Science. Prehistory and Early History
Fellowship amount750 €/month with other allowances

Open to Afghanistan, Belarus, China (only Tibet and Xinjiang Autonomous Regions), Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan countries

DeadlineDecember 7, 2018

For Further Details: Click

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