National Aerospace Laboratories CSIR-NAL invites applications from talented, bright, qualified professionals for Scientists positions having brilliant academic record, high level of motivation and zeal for innovative research, to work in the exciting task of Aerospace R&D, Technology Development and related applications.

Scientist 15600-39000 (PB-3)  6600/- Rs 75,362/month  32 years

Senior Scientist `15600-39000 (PB-3)  7600/- Rs 86,484/month –  37 years


  • Applicants should necessarily have First Class in ME/MTech Engineering and should also have experience at least for a minimum of 3 years in the relevant field. Familiarity with finite element codes like Hypermesh, NASTRAN.
  • For details advertisement on visit regarding Qualifications, Experience and Job Requirements, Field of Specializationetc. required for each position.
  • The selected applicants will be working in the area of design of composite parts/tooling, detail design, release of manufacturing drawings, generation of 3D CAD models, generation of surface profiles of components, design for tooling of composite parts and preparation of tool drawings
  • and should be knowledgeable in working with CAD packages like CATIA V4 Auto CAD, & V5.
  • Understanding of structural optimization of aircraft structures.
  • Please fill the Electronics Online Application Form carefully. Your selection for Written test / Interview will be based on the details entered in the Online Application Form only.
  • Sent a printout of the online application together with application fee, wherever applicable and copies of certificates and testimonials etc. should be sent in a sealed cover superscribing “Application for the post of Scientist / Senior Scientist, Post Code No._______, Advt.No.2/2017” ON OR BEFORE 16 APRIL 2017 addressed to: The Controller of Administration CSIR National Aerospace laboratories Post No.1779, HAL Airport Road, Kodihalli Bengaluru – 560 017 (Karnataka)
  • To apply, you must fill in our specially designed electronic application form available on our website:
Type of positionsScientist
Closing date16 APRIL 2017
OrganizationCSIR-NAL Bengaluru
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