SMaRT (Sand Mitigation along Railway Tracks) provides a unique interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral 4 year training and research programme. SMaRT received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska‐Curie grant agreement. The programme aims to develop standardized techniques for assessing sand hazards to railways, conceive new and effective Sand Mitigation Measures, and assess their performance using innovative computational simulations and field tests. SMaRT Consortium is seeking highly motivated 3 Early Stage Researchers and PhD Students.

Start date: September 2017

Duration: 3 years; full time ESR positions


  • challenging and scientifically sound research topics
  • an exciting industrial and engineering problem in a fast growing market;
  • an excellent, multidisciplinary and inter-sectoral training and research environment addressed to industry needs;
  • joint PhD supervision by academic and industry supervisors;
  • ESR will spend 50% of the time at an academic host, and 50% time at industrial host, including short secondments at all the Industrial Partner Organisations;
  • Salary: 3259 to 3740 €/month (depending on the employer’s country);
  • mobility and family allowance: 600 or 1100 €/month depending on the researcher’s family situation

Subject areas:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Geography and Environment


  • applicant must have curiosity driven approach to research;
  • applicant must have capabilities in fulfilling deadlines;
  • applicant must possess excellent collaborative and teamwork skills in a multidisciplinary team;
  • applicants are expected to have strong dedication and self-motivation;
  • applicant must possess excellent command of English (written and oral)


The Application must include:

  • Application letter detailing reasons for applying, interests, research experience, academic achievements and career ambitions (max 2 pages)
  • CV describing educational background, academic achievements, relevant professional experience (if any), contact details (including email and Skype addresses)
  • Copies of educational certificates and transcript of records detailing information on the individual grades received in your university-level qualifications till date
  • Language proficiency tests results
  • List of publications and academic work (if any)
  • Copy of some written work (max 2000 words) that demonstrates the ability to write a good academic document.
  • 3 references with names and contact details (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number
  • Applications to be sent via email to
—————Quick Overview————-

European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

Fellowship LevelDoctoral
CountryItaly, France, UK
Subject areasCivil and Environmental Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Geography and Environment
Fellowship amount3259 to 3740 €/month
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineFebruary 15th 2017

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