University of Cambridge: Fellowship’s for All Disciplines 8794 views

University of Cambridge: Fellowship’s for All Disciplines

Description: the University of Cambridge has announced a number of fellowships for all categories, Bachelors, Master’s, Ph.D., and Postdoc, etc.

College Prizes, Grants & Bursaries

Bursaries and prizes are available to postgraduate students, these include sports awards and a writing competition. There is also a fund that is available to current postgraduate students by application, to help with the costs of attending conferences and research visits.

Pillman Fund

  • The Pillman Conference Fund-This is to provide limited financial assistance (maximum of £150) to students attending conferences.
  • The Pillman Hardship Fund –This is to provide small grants to postgraduates experiencing financial trouble.

Girton College has announced the number of scholarships, studentships, and Travel awards by application.

Scholarships :

  • The Graduate Research Scholarship– Open to all students, all disciplines. The award is around £26,000.
  • The Ruth Whaley Scholarship–Outstanding students of non-EU or UK citizenship studying an Arts subject. The scholarship is about £3,300 and contributes in maintenance costs too.
  • The Maria Luisa de Sanchez Scholarship- To students of Venezuelan nationality. It’s worth £25,000.
  • The Chan and Mok Graduate Scholarship-Candidate must be permanent residents of Hong Kong. Preference will be given to the students studying at schools affiliated to Po Leung Kuk. The scholarship is £10,000.
  • The Girton Hong Kong Founder’s Scholarship-Students must be permanent residents of Hong Kong. The scholarship value £10,000.
  • The Irene Hallinan Scholarship-Scholarship is worth around £5,000 and is awarded for one year. Open to all students of any discipline.
  • The Joyce Biddle Scholarship –This is around £10,000 and contributes in maintenance, rent and research expenses. It is open to all students in any subject.
  • The Diane Worzala Memorial Fund– Open to students doing research with a historical theme. But research in the field of British Women’s History will be preferable. It is of worth £650.

Short listed candidates must write a short report on their research or study (less than 6000 words).

Studentships :

  • The Doris Woodall Studentship-Applies to all students working in Economics or a related subject. It is worth of £6,400.
  • The Stribling Award -Open to Girton students who are members of the College, undergraduates, graduate, MPhil, PhD. Studentship vale is £1,500.
  • The Rhona Beare Award–Open to students studying in the area of Classics. It’s worth roughly £700.

Travel Award (Girton Students Only) :

  • The Sidney and Marguerite Cody Studentship–This is for a travel and study in continental Europe about twelve months and not less than six months. This Studentship has a value of up to £3,000. Open to graduates and faculty members.
Quick Overview—————-
Organization University of Cambridge
Fellowship Bachelors, Master’s, PhD, and Postdoc
Country UK
Subject areas All Disciplines
Fellowship According to University Rules
Eligibility  Bachelors
Deadline   –

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