Indian Oil’s R&D Centre (IOCL) is having 33 vacancies in various research areas like Industrial Lubricants, Synthetic Lubricants, Metal Working Oil, Grease, Nanotechnology, Analytical, Alternative Energy, Fuel & Additive, Petrochemical & Polymers, Catalyst, Extraction & Distillation, Battery, Industrial Biotechnology, Refining Technology and Automotive Research. Online applications are invited from bright, energetic and result oriented candidates of Indian Nationality desirous of a career in Research & Development for the following positions at IndianOil R&D Centre:

Post Code – CHY-01 Research Officer (Gr. A) 14 post

Qualifications: Ph.D in Chemistry (Organic/ Inorganic/ Physical/Analytical/ OrganoMetallics) from a recognized University / Institute With minimum 65% marks in graduation as well as in Postgraduation Research Area: Industrial Lubricants, Synthetic Lubricants, Metal Working Oil, Grease, Nanotechnology, Analytical, Alternative Energy (Fuel Cell & Hydrogen), Fuel & Additive. Upper Age Limit: 32 Years In case of Ph.D, research work carried out during Ph.D will not be considered as work experience.

Post Code – P&P-01 Research Officer (Gr. A) 2 post

Qualifications*: Ph.D in Organic/ Organo-Metallics/ Polymer Chemistry from a recognized University / Institute With minimum 65% marks in graduation as well as in Postgraduation Research Area: Petrochemicals & Polymers Upper Age Limit: 32 Years In case of Ph.D, research work carried out during Ph.D will not be considered as work experience.

Post Code – CAT-01 Research Officer (Gr. A) 1 post

Qualifications*: Ph.D in Catalysis/ Material Sciences from a recognized University / Institute With minimum 65% marks in graduation as well as in Postgraduation Research Area: Catalyst Upper Age Limit: 32 Years In case of Ph.D, research work carried out during Ph.D will not be considered as work experience.

Post Code – BAT-01 Research Officer (Gr. A) 2 post

Qualifications*: Ph.D in Electro-Chemistry from a recognized University / Institute With minimum 65% marks in graduation as well as in Postgraduation Research Area: Battery Upper Age Limit: 32 Years In case of Ph.D, research work carried out during Ph.D will not be considered as work experience.

Post Code –IBT-01 Research Officer (Gr A) 2 post

Qualification*: Ph.D in Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry/ Biosciences/Biochemical or Bioprocess engineering from a recognized university/ Institute. The PhD thesis or publications should be related to: Hydrocarbon biotransformation/ Algal Technology/ petroleum microbiology/ bioprocesses related to hydrocarbon refining/ upgrading of hydrocarbons streams/ /bio-electrochemical processes /microbial fuel cell systems/industrial process water microbiology/biomass biomethanation/ Biotechnological Interventions to Hydrocarbons. With minimum 65% marks in graduation as well as in Postgraduation Research Area: Industrial Biotechnology Upper Age Limit: 32 Years

In case of Ph.D, research work carried out during Ph.D will not be considered as work experience.

Post Code – CHE-01 Research Officer (Gr. A.) 6 post

Qualifications*: Masters degree in Chemical Engineering with Bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering from a recognized University / Institute With minimum 65% marks in graduation as well as in Postgraduation Research Area: Refining Technology, Alternative Energy Upper Age Limit: 28 Years In case of Ph.D, research work carried out during Ph.D will not be considered as work experience. In case of candidates with Masters Degree, experience will be counted from the date of successful completion of their Masters degree.

Post Code – MCH-01 Research Officer (Gr. A.) 3 post

Qualifications*: Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering with Bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University / Institute. Masters Degree in related/ similar subjects like Automobile/ Thermal/ Energy Studies/ Mechatronics etc. will also be considered. With minimum 65% marks in graduation as well as in Postgraduation Research Area: Automotive Research, Alternative Energy Upper Age Limit: 28 Years In case of Ph.D, research work carried out during Ph.D will not be considered as work experience. In case of candidates with Masters Degree, experience will be counted from the date of successful completion of their Masters degree.

Post Code – ECH-01 Research Officer (Gr. A.) 1 post

Qualifications*: Masters degree in Electrochemical Engineering/ Metallurgy Engineering /Material Science Engineering with Bachelors degree in Engineering from a recognized University / Institute. With minimum 65% marks in graduation as well as in Postgraduation Research Area: Alternative Energy (Solar & Fuel Cell)

Upper Age Limit: 28 Years In case of Ph.D, research work carried out during Ph.D will not be considered as work experience. In case of candidates with Masters Degree, experience will be counted from the date of successful completion of their Masters degree

Post Code –FC-01 Research Manager (Gr C) / Assistant Manager Research (Gr. B) in Fuel Cell are 1post Reserved for OBC

Qualifications*: Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering and in related/ similar subjects like Thermal/ Energy Studies/ Mechatronics etc. from a recognized University / Institute. With minimum 65% marks in graduation as well as in Postgraduation Experience(Essential): Minimum 6 years of experience after M.Tech for Grade C preferably in the area of Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Minimum 3 years of experience after M.Tech for Grade B preferably in the area of Hydrogen / Fuel Cell Upper Age Limit: For Grade C: 39 Years (Already relaxed for OBC as per rules) For Grade B: 35 Years (Already relaxed for OBC as per rules) NOTE 1: Candidates will be considered for Grade C/B based on the candidate’s experience and age profile. In case of Ph.D, research work carried out during Ph.D will not be considered as work experience. In case of candidates with Masters Degree, experience will be counted from the date of successful completion of their Masters degree.

Post Code – BT-01 Chief Research Manager (Gr. E) in Biotechnology area 1 post

Qualifications*: PhD in Biotechnology/Micro-biology/Molecular Biology With minimum 65 % marks in graduation as well as in Postgraduation Experience(Essential): Minimum 15 years of experience in relevant area after Ph.D for Grade E. The experience should be in Industrial Biotechnology/ Bio-Energy/ Bioprocess/ Bioremediation/ Molecular Biology/ Enzymology. The experience should reflect capabilities for leading research projects. Upper Age Limit: 52 Years In case of Ph.D, research work carried out during Ph.D will not be considered as work experience.

*Qualification should only be obtained through Full Time Regular Course from a recognized University / Institute / Board. Qualifications obtained through distance / Part time will not be considered. Physical Fitness: Desirous candidates seeking employment with IndianOil must be medically fit as per IndianOil’s pre-employment medical standards. Candidates are advised to go through the ‘Guidelines and Criteria for Physical Fitness for Pre-employment medical Examination’ before they commence the application process. The guidelines are available in the following link:

Current pay scale is given below:

PositionSalary GradeSalary Scale (in Rs.)
Chief Research ManagerE43,200-66,000*
Research ManagerC32,900-58,000*
Assistant Manager ResearchB29.100-54,500*
Research OfficerA24.900-50.500*

*- Candidate selected for respective positions will be placed in salary scale stated above. The pay scales are due for revision with effect from 01.01.2017.

Application Fee: Only Candidates belonging to General and OBC categories are required to deposit Rs 300/- as application fee. The fee is to be submitted on-line though SBI E-Collect using either SBI Debit Card or through Net-Banking or at the SBI Branch after selecting “Pay at Branch option”. Fee, once paid, will not be refunded under any circumstances. SBI E-Collect payment mode of IndianOil R&D Centre is titled as “RECRUITMENT RnD OFFICERS”. Applicants can make payment by clicking on “RECRUITMENT RnD OFFICERS” link at IndianOil SBI E-Collect site.

The Bank Charges as applicable have to be borne by the candidates.


  • The prospective candidates are required to submit their application On-line. No manual applications would be entertained.
  • The online application shall be available under “What’s New” Section on (home page of Corporate Website of Indian Oil) and also on “Indian Oil for Careers” link.
  • Candidates should read the instructions carefully and fill-in the on-line application form giving accurate information. The candidate shall be wholly/ exclusively responsible for the information/ details so filled/ provided in his online application form.
  • The link will remain active from 06.06.2017 00.00 hrs to 07.07.2017 23.59 hrs
  • The applicants should have the relevant documents like percentage of marks obtained in the qualifying examination, Thesis/ dissertation details, caste/sub-caste certificate, date of issue, name of issuing authority, state of origin, experience details etc. readily available with them before they commence the ONLINE application process. However all relevant documents will be verified with true copy/ original at the time of Personal Interview.
  • Candidates are additionally required to upload their Curriculum Vitae (with details of Publications).
  • Candidates are strongly advised to apply online well in time without waiting for the last date for submission of Online Application.
  • Candidates should additionally have a valid Email Id, Mobile No. and scanned copy of their recent signature and passport photograph. The filling of online application contains two parts: Part I Registration (Primary)
  • In Part I (Registration I) – Candidates will have to fill personal information, address for communication and details on educational qualification etc. Candidates must check the details carefully and make corrections, if any, before final submission.
  • General & OBC Candidates are advised to complete the preliminary registration atleast two (2) days prior to the closing date of online application, to enable sufficient time for payment of application fee and Part II Registration.
  • On successful completion of the primary registration, a unique registration number will be generated which should be kept safe for future reference.
  • Candidates have to give their Email Id and Mobile No. on which all the communication will take place. · Candidates are advised to mention their experience by entering the dates duly in “from” and “to” column starting from the most recent organization.

Note: The candidate has to login through the “Applicant Login” section and complete the remaining stages of the application process.

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