A-WEAR is a four year (2019-2022) H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN)/European Joint Doctorate (EJD) 4 bringing together five beneficiaries and 12 partner organizations from Finland, Czech republic, Italy, Romania, and Spain.

About the positions:
  • Applications are open for 15 full-time PhD student positions (called Early Stage Researchers or ESR) for joint and double PhD degrees for 36 months.
  • The positions are offered within the A-WEAR European Joint Doctorate action of the highly appreciated EU-funded Marie Skłodowska Curie grants.
  • A high-class training and the possibility of PhD graduation with double or joint PhD certificate is offered.
  • The positions are fully funded for a 36-month period.
  • Candidates may choose position in one of five top-level universities in Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Romania, or Spain and complement the experience within periods of up to 15 months of cross-country and industrial secondments by working with the highly committed industrial partners of the action in the above-mentioned countries.
  • Candidates are encouraged to apply for up to four positions within A-WEAR network.
  • A separate application is needed for each position in case you apply for multiple positions.


  • Transnational mobility: The ESR is required to undertake transnational mobility (i.e. move from one country to another) when taking up their appointment. Nationality is therefore not a criterion. The researcher must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the host organization (Spain/Finland/Romania/Italy/Czech Republic) for A-WEAR for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the start date (e.g., September 2019).
  • Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs)/fresh MSc graduates: All researchers recruited in A-WEAR must have maximum 4 years since the completion of their first MSc degree and have not been awarded any doctoral degree at the date of the employment.
  • The applicant must be in possession of Master of Science (MSc) diploma in a relevant field, such as: electrical engineering, communications engineering, software engineering/computer science, signal processing, radio communications, mathematics, physics, aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, etc.


  • Applications to be submitted online with the following documents:
  • Certified copies of the bachelor’s and master’s degree certificates and the transcripts with official translations into English (if the original documents are in a language other than Finnish, English, Romanian, Czech, Italian, or Spanish).
  • A Diploma Supplement (DS) as approved by the EU Commission for degrees completed in European universities (when applicable)
  • English language certificate, for example one of the followings:
  • CV (preferably in Europass format)
  • List of publications (if any)
  • Minimum 2 reference letters to be attached to the application and contact details of 2 or more referees included in the CV
  • Motivation letter (max 1 page) with introduction and qualifications; previous research fields and main research results may be included.
  • A short essay called “Dissertation Proposal” (max 2 pages) explaining how the candidate would address the research objectives mentioned at the chosen position
  • Copy of the passport
  • Proof of residence: Statement and certificates/documents demonstrating your residence(s) in the last 5 years

Available positions:

ESR01: Energy-efficient edge computing based gateways for wearable networks.

Employer: Tampere University, Finland. Double PhD degree with Universita Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italy

ESR02: Large-scale crowdsourcing-based wearables data gathering and processing.

Employer: Tampere University, Finland. Joint PhD degree with Universitat Jaume I, Spain.

ESR03: Privacy-aware approaches for wireless IoT localization on wearable devices.

Employer: Tampere University, Finland. Double PhD degree with University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania.

ESR04: mmWave & 5G in wearables

Employer: Tampere University, Finland. Joint PhD degree with Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic.

ESR05: Cloud Platform for context-adaptive positioning and localization on wearable devices.

Employer: Universitat Jaume I, Spain. Joint PhD degree with Tampere University, Finland.

ESR06: Collaborative techniques for infrastructureless Indoor Positioning Systems

Employer: Universitat Jaume I, Spain. Joint PhD degree with Tampere University, Finland.

ESR07: Urban Mobility: balancing usefulness and privacy.

Employer: Universitat Jaume I, Spain. Joint PhD degree with Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic.

ESR08: Centimeter level accuracy for IoT localization of wearable devices.

Employer: University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania. Double Phd degree with Tampere University, Finland.

ESR09: Industrial wearables for work safety.

Employer: University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania. Double Phd degree with Brno University of Technology, Czech republic.

ESR10: Wearables for eHealth

Employer: University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Romania. Double Phd degree with Universita Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italy

ESR11: Low latency machine learning and data mining for wearable devices

Employer: Brno University of Technology, Czech republic. Joint PhD degree with Tampere University, Finland.

ESR12: Reliable and low-latency communication technologies for industrial wearable applications

Employer: Brno University of Technology, Czech republic. Joint PhD degree with Tampere University, Finland.

ESR13: Privacy-enhancing technologies and privacy-enhancing cryptography for wearables

Employer: Brno University of Technology, Czech republic. Joint PhD degree with Universitat Jaume I, Spain.

ESR14: Social-aware discovery and data exchange among IoT devices over Edge Computing platforms.

Employer: Universita Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italy. Double PhD degree with Tampere University, Finland.

ESR15: New Architecture, communication and networking protocols for supporting 5G-IoT wearable devices connectivity.

Employer: Universita Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italy. Double PhD degree with with Universitat Jaume I, Spain.

—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationH2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN)
CountryFinland, Czech republic, Italy, Romania, and Spain
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areas

Electrical Engineering, Communications Engineering, Software Engineering/Computer Science, Signal Processing, Radio Communications, Mathematics, Physics, Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering

Fellowship amountFunded
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities

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