ATLAS Calorimeter Group: Post-doc positions 1591 views

ATLAS Calorimeter Group at the Max Planck Institute for Physics invites applications for the postdoc positions. The institute is a research institute focusing on particle and astro-particle physics from both experimental and theoretical perspectives. One main research activity is the participation in the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

  • post-doctoral position in experimental particle physics is required to strengthen our calorimeter group
  • successful postdoc is expected to make marked contributions to the analysis of ATLAS data and the operation of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeters
  • participation in Research & Development activities for new front-end electronics is required


  • Applicant must hold Doctorate or equivalent in particle physics and have experience in detector R&D and data analysis.

The offer

  • Salary and benefits are according to the German public service pay scale
  • Duration: 03 years


  • Applications to be sent including a CV and a list of publications
  • 3 recommendation letters to be received by the same date at the following address:

Max-Planck-Institut für Physik

Ms. Anja Schielke

Föhringer Ring 6

80805 München



Dr. Sven Menke at

—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMax Planck Institute for Physics
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasPhysics, particle physics
Fellowship amountaccording to the German public service pay scale
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline31 May 2017



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