Behavioral Economics and Labor Market Performance: 2 PhD scholarships 1457 views

Two PhD scholarships within the project Behavioral Economics and Labor Market Performance at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen is now open and is seeking applications from qualified candidates.

Start date: The successful candidate will be employed as soon as possible and at the latest from January 15th, 2017.


  • Applicant must have a strong interest in behavioral economics, experimental economics or labor economics.
  • Applicants with prior experience with the analysis of registry data from Denmark Statistics and programming skills would have an advantage (but not an essential requirement for the position).

The PhD positions will be awarded either as a 5+3 or a 4+4 position depending on the situation of the applicant. The PhD projects will allow students to acquire and apply a broad spectrum of complementary scientific methods to shed new light on a number of fundamental questions related to individuals’ job search behavior, their earnings and employment prospects, and aggregate labor market performance.


  • Apply online
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Copenhagen
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasEconomics
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline1 November 2016

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