Position in Bioenergy
Postdoc position in the field of Bioenergy (Ref.: P21607) at Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Energy Technology, Esbjerg (Aalborg University).
Starting date: 11th of September 2016 or soon thereafter.
Duration: 3 years.
Field of research (Bioenergy):
1. Electrical energy
2. Power Systems,
3. Power Electronics,
4. Electrical Machines to thermal energy
5. Energy Systems and Fluid Mechanics
6. Combustion Systems
7. Mechatronic Systems.
Research program: Interreg 5a – Region of Southern Denmark
Key responsibilities:
Interested candidates has the following competences and skills:
- Expertise in anaerobic digestion processes, resource characterization and biomethane potential tests.
- Experience in geographical information systems (GIS) and experience in managing large datasets
- Experience with project management (ideally from another Interreg project) and ability to work structured.
- Experience with interdisciplinary research and projects
- Ability to work both independent and within teams.
- Good communication skills on both scientific, enterprise and public level
- Professional language skills in either Danish or German and English is needed.
Further Information:
Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, Head of Esbjerg Energy Sectionjhn@et.aau.dk
Qualification requirements:
PhD–level or similar scientific qualifications.
Requirements for the application:
- A current CV.
- Copies of relevant diplomas (Master of Science and PhD
- A complete list of publications must be attached with an indication of the works the applicant wishes to be considered. (up to 5 publications).
- References/recommendations.
Vacancy number (P21607)
Deadline: 12/06/2016