Bioenergy: Postdoc position, Aalborg University 3836 views

Position in Bioenergy

Postdoc position in the field of Bioenergy (Ref.: P21607) at Faculty of Engineering and Science, Department of Energy Technology, Esbjerg (Aalborg University).

Starting date: 11th of September 2016 or soon thereafter.

Duration: 3 years.

Field of research (Bioenergy):

1.      Electrical energy

2.      Power Systems,

3.      Power Electronics,

4.      Electrical Machines to thermal energy

5.      Energy Systems and Fluid Mechanics

6.      Combustion Systems

7.      Mechatronic Systems.

Research program: Interreg 5a – Region of Southern Denmark


Key responsibilities:

Interested candidates has the following competences and skills:

  1. Expertise in anaerobic digestion processes, resource characterization and biomethane potential tests.
  2. Experience in geographical information systems (GIS) and experience in managing large datasets
  3. Experience with project management (ideally from another Interreg project) and ability to work structured.
  4. Experience with interdisciplinary research and projects
  5. Ability to work both independent and within teams.
  6. Good communication skills on both scientific, enterprise and public level
  7. Professional language skills in either Danish or German and English is needed.

Further Information:

Jens Bo Holm-Nielsen, Head of Esbjerg Energy

Qualification requirements:
PhD–level or similar scientific qualifications.

Requirements for the application:

  1. A current CV.
  2. Copies of relevant diplomas (Master of Science and PhD
  3. A complete list of publications must be attached with an indication of the works the applicant wishes to be considered. (up to 5 publications).
  4. References/recommendations.

Vacancy number (P21607)

Deadline: 12/06/2016

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