Bocconi University: 2 Early Stage Researchers 1473 views

University invites applications for 2 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Fellowships funded as part of the Marie Curie European ITN under the EC’s H2020 Framework Programme.  The project is MSCA-ETN “IQCE “. The successful ESRs will join the project “Improving Quality of Care in Europe”.

Duration: 3 year Marie Curie fellowship as well as Bocconi’s Public Policy and Administration 4 year PhD; full tuition waiver for all 4 years.

Starting date: A.Y. 2017-18 (September).

Study area: Economics – Health economics

Career Stage: Early stage researcher/ 0-4 years Post graduate

Fellowship Benefits:

  • Salary: basic living allowance: up to 39,820€ per year; mobility allowance- €600 per month; family allowance- €500 per month for researchers with family charges.
  • Researchers will be appointed with an employment contract limited to 36 months.


  • Applicant must hold Master Degree or equivalent in the field of Economics.
  • Applicant must be good in English language.
  • ESR’s must be interested in pursuing research in the field of health economics.
  • Applicant must be in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of their research career and have not been awarded a PhD degree.
  • At the time of appointment, applicant must not have legally stayed or have had their main activity in Italy for more than a year in the last 3 years.
  • Applicants from any nationality are eligible to apply
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationBocconi University
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasEconomics
Fellowship amount39,820€ /year
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline16th January 2017

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