Ca’ Foscari University of Venice announces call for applications for PhD programme. This is Ca’ Foscari University of Venice 35th cycle of PhD Programmes for academic year 2019/2020.

Subject areas:

  • Law, Market and Person,
  • Economics,
  • Management,
  • Philosophy and Educational Sciences
  • Computer Science
  • Italian Studies,
  • Modern Languages, Cultures and Societies and Linguistics
  • Scientific Hospitalization and Care
  • Science and Management of Climate Change
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Ancient Heritage Studies
  • History of the Arts
  • Asian and African Studies

Duration: 3 years


  • Applicant must hold Master’s degree awarded abroad, recognized as such in advance solely for the purpose of admission to the competition.
  • Applicant can be of any age or nationality to participate in the competition.
  • Applicant must obtain a certificate from an official certifying body or a certificate from a university language training center included in the list displayed in the section recognized certifications

How to apply:

  • Apply online
  • CV (European format)
  • PhD proposal research
  • Abstract of the Master’s degree thesis (10.000 characters including spaces);
  • Transcript certificate of the Master’s degree awarded with the list of exams taken with grades;
  • 01 reference letter is mandatory and maximum number of two letters (candidates must ask academics/scientists to submit the letters by means of an online procedure).
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationCa’ Foscari University of Venice
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areas

Law, Market and Person, Economics, Management, Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Computer Science, Italian Studies, Modern Languages, Cultures and Societies and Linguistics, Science and Management of Climate Change, Environmental Sciences, History of the Arts, Asian and African Studies

Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineOpen Now

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