Casimir Research School Leiden University’s and Delft University of Technology’s joint research school in interdisciplinary physics.

Positions at Molecular Biophysics

Molecular Biophysics

  1. PhD position in Leiden, Huber lab: Development of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Methods for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
  2. PhD position in Delft, Koenderink Lab: Physics of Collective Metastasis
  3. PhD posion in Amsterdam (Amolf), Tans lab: Ubiquitin-mediated protein processing, studied using optical tweezers and single-molecule fluorescence
  4. PhD position in Amsterdam (Amolf), Tans lab: Single-cell dynamics in intestinal organoids
  5. PhD Position in Delft, Dekker Lab: Single-molecule studies of DNA replication
  6. PhD position in Delft: New light-responsive engineerd living materials based on microalgae

Physics of Nanostructures

  1. PhD position in Delft, Steeneken and Van der Zant Lab: Nanomechanical graphene microphones, bolometers, gas and pressure sensors.

Quantum Matter and Functional Materials

  1. PhD Position in Delft: NWO Materialen NL Materials challenges: Tailored magnetocaloric materials for magnetic heat pumps
  2. PhD position in Delft, Otte lab: Probing Spin waves by ESR-STM

Dynamic Complex Systems

  1. PhD position in Leiden, Luca Giomi Group: Tissue hydrodynamics
Quick Overview—————-
Organization Casimir Research School
Fellowship Level Phd / Postdoc / Mastsers
Country Netherlands
Subject areas Natural Scieneces
Fellowship amount Varies
Eligibility Varies
Deadline Varies

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