CHEC Research Centre: Doctoral Scholarships; DTU 1528 views

The CHEC Research Centre at DTU Chemical Engineering calls for qualified candidates for a number of vacant PhD positions.


  • Development of Cyclone Reactors: The main aim of this Doctoral project is to study the performance of cyclone reactors and their scaling up for industrial applications of thermal conversion of solid fuels and/or reduction of pollutant emissions by experimental investigations in a pilot-scale cyclone reactor and modelling study.
  • CFD Modelling of Heterogeneous Reacting Systems: This PhD project focuses on development of improved gas-solid or liquid-solid two phase flow models and reaction models that can be applied in CFD to simulate heterogeneous reacting systems such as combustion and gasification processes.
  • Novel Testing Methods for Intumescent Coating: The aim of this PhD project is to develop novel testing methods for intumescent coating through experimental work in advanced high-temperature reactors and model development.
  • Candidates interested in other areas relevant to the CHEC Research Centre may also apply for PhD scholarship by including a project proposal in the application.


  • Applicant must have a master’s degree in Engineering or a similar degree with an academic level equivalent to the master’s degree in engineering.

Duration: 3 years.


  • Motivation Letter (cover letter)
  • CV
  • Grade transcripts and BSc/MSc diploma (an official translation into English)
—————Quick Overview————-

Technical University of Denmark (DTU Chemical Engineering)

Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasEngineering
Fellowship amountAs perthe Danish norms
EligibilityOpen for all nationalities
Deadline14 July 2016



Head of department

Kim Dam-Johansen,

For Further Details: Click


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