Community Ecology (Plant): PhD, Uni. Of Bergen, Norway 1155 views

Plant Community Ecology- fixed term PhD position for 4 years at the Department of Biology.

About the Project:

The candidate’s main tasks will be within alterations in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in Atlantic heathlands in relation to land-use changes and extreme drought-events. Aerial photography, remote sensing and field experiments are example of methods that will be used. The project collaborates with the International Drought Experiment, and provides a 6 months stay abroad at the University of Copenhagen.

The research emphasizes on plant community and ecosystem responses to drought. The successful contender will:

  • Initiate and sustain field experiments in collaboration with other team members
  • Measure biodiversity, plant trait, and carbon stock responses in the research
  • Develop his/her own research questions and hypotheses related to these trials and measurements
  • Analyse data and write and publish research papers


  • Master’s degree or equivalent in plant community ecology or a related field, and have submitted master’s thesis for valuation prior to the application deadline. It is condition for work that the master’s degree has been granted.
  • The successful applicant should have good understanding of plant community ecology, functional ecology, ecosystem functioning, and climate and land-use change impacts.
  • Knowledge in ecological field studies, a relevant statistical and/or programming background, and critical thinking and writing skills.
  • Experience in vegetation analysis, field monitoring, and ecosystems ecology is an advantage. Fieldwork is a team effort, and all students must be prepared to contribute to common aspects of fieldwork and assist others with their projects in addition to working on their own research program.
  • Good outdoor skills and appreciate fieldwork in remote areas.
  • Candidate should be ready to work independently, but also have good collaborative skills.
  • Proficiency in English language is must be good.

The application must include:

  • Statement of research interests and motivation for applying for this job
  • Two references with names and contact details
  • Grade transcripts
  • CV
  • List of publication (scientific nature)
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity of Bergen
Fellowship LevelPhD
Subject areasLife Sciences, Plant Ecology
Fellowship amountVaries
Deadline2 June 2016

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