CORAL: PhD Position, University College London, UK 1704 views

CORAL (Complex ORAL) has a PhD studentship at the Department of Chemical Engineering, University College London. UCL is in quest of a Graduate Student for studies on complex oral health products.

The PhD is part of a £2 Million EPSRC project on Complex ORAL health products (CORAL) which includes Characterization, modelling and manufacturing challenges. The aim is to present new fundamental insights into complex oral health preparations, using as an exemplar non-aqueous pastes, and to overcome the related high-impact manufacturing challenges. The project is partnership between the UCL Departments of Chemical and Mechanical Engineering and of Mathematics and couples the cooperation between experts on mathematical modelling, numerical simulations and advanced experimentation at micro and process scale.

Aims of the PhD project:

  • emphasis on the development of in-line continuous processing of complex mixtures
  • effects of non-Newtonian rheology and the addition of solids on the mixing characteristics
  • involve both experimental investigations and computational fluid dynamics modelling of the continuous mixer
  • for trial laser based flow diagnostics will be used to study velocity and concentration fields
  • For the numerical simulations a commercial code will be used
  • This project is also funded by GSK and UCL.
  • The successful applicant is expected to spend time in the GSK laboratories.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Candidate will have or be expected to obtain an excellent first degree in Chemical Engineering or a related subject area.
  • Knowledge in or previous work on multiphase flows, mixing and laser based flow diagnostics, flow visualization would be an advantage.
  • The project is open to UK or EU applicants only due to funding restrictions.

Informal enquiries: Prof Panagiota Angeli,

Dr Luca Mazzei,

—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationUniversity College London
Fellowship LevelPhD
Subject areasChemical Engineering
Fellowship amountNot mentioned
EligibilityUK or EU
Deadline31 May 2016

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