DBT Energy Biosciences Overseas Fellowships and Energy Biosciences Chairs 2945 views

With the aim of heading to develop bio-based renewable fuels for the country, Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India is running a scheme “DBT Energy Biosciences Overseas Fellowships and DBT Energy Biosciences Chairs” for scientists of Indian origin working in the field of Energy Biosciences.

Research areas:

  • Biofuels
  • Bioenergy

About the programme:

  • The DBT Energy Biosciences Overseas Fellowships is a re-entry scheme aimed at bringing back young scientists of Indian origin working overseas and who are keen on returning to India and pursuing, complementing and enhancing quality of R&D in energy related biosciences in an Indian institution.
  • The DBT Energy Biosciences Chairs is aimed at engaging senior scientists of Indian origin working in modern biological sciences, and who are desirous of pursuing, complementing and enhancing quality of R&D in energy related biosciences in Indian institutions.

Eligibility/Application Requirements


  • The applicant must hold PhD in relevant areas and/or an outstanding track record reflected in publications and other recognitions.
  • Applicants of Indian origin working overseas are eligible to apply.

Fellowship value:

  • 85,000/month with HRA (7500/month)
  • Research/Contingency grant: Rs. 10.00 lakh for 1st year; Rs. 7.5 laks for 2nd year; Rs 5.0 lakhs for subsequent years.


  • The applicant must hold PhD with 15-20 years of research experience, out of which 15 years should be in the energy biosciences related areas. Scientists in the age group of 50-65 years are eligible to apply


  • 1,15,038/month
  • Research/Contingency grant: Rs 10.00 lakh/year

Job location:

  • Recipients may work in any of the scientific institutions/universities in the country subject to availability of required infrastructure for proposed proposal.
  • Application should be routed through the Indian Institution (Host Institution) where the awardee wishes to avail the fellowship.


  • Initially for a period of 1 year; extendable for 3 years based on the performance
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationDepartment of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India
Fellowship LevelScientist
Subject areasBiofuels, Bioenergy
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to researchers of Indian origin


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