DBT (Department of Biotechnology) of India and the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) are instituting Biotechnology fellowships for international students from developing countries who wants to pursue research leading towards Doctorate in newly emerging areas in biotechnology for which facilities are available in the Laboratories/ Institutes in India. The fellowships will be tenable in Institutes in India.

Pre-Doctoral Biotechnology Fellowships

Number of Fellowships: 25 Pre Doctoral fellowships

Duration: 2+3 years (JRF + SRF)

Age Limit: 35 years

Value of Fellowship: Rs. 16,000/month for first and second year; Rs. 18,000/month for third year; HRA + Medical

Contingency grant: Rs. 50,000/annum will be provided to the host institute/laboratory, to facilitate speedy day-to-day working of the fellow.

Part of this grant may be utilized by the fellow for study tours undertaken within India in the interest of research work, purchase of study material, books etc. For less than one year, the grant is admissible on a pro rata basis.


  • Applicant must at least hold Master’s degree in science or engineering or equivalent.
  • Applicant must be a regular employee in a developing country and must be holding a research assignment.
  • Fellowship for Ph.D will be granted only to applicants who are registered for Ph.D (in a University either in their home country or in India)
  • Acceptance by the Host Institute is obligatory.
  • The cost of international travel by shortest route will be paid by TWAS.
Post-doctoral Biotechnology Fellowships

Number of fellowships: 25 Post-Doctoral Fellowships

Duration: 12-18 months

Age Limit: 45 years

Value of fellowship: Rs. 23,000/- with HRA and Medical (as per host institute norms).

  • The monthly stipend will not be exchangeable into foreign currency. There is no facility for any additional grant to cover expenses for spouse and / or children.

Contingency grant: Rs. 50,000/annum will be provided to the host institute/laboratory


  • Applicant must at least hold a Doctorate degree in Biosciences or Biotechnology.
  • Applicant must be a regular employee in a developing country and should be holding a research assignment.
  • Acceptance by the Host Institute is compulsory.
  • The cost of international travel by shortest route will be paid by TWAS.
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationDepartment of Biotechnology (DBT) & Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)
Fellowship LevelPre-doctoral & Postdoctoral
Subject areasBiotechnology, Biosciences
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen for International applicants (developing countries)
Deadline15 July 2019


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