The Department of Biotechnology (DBT) has introduced a new programme on the Visiting Research Professorship (VRP) & Visiting Research Faculty (VRF) to distinguish outstanding contributions of active/ retired Indian scientists in biotechnology and related fields and to make use of their domain expertise in their areas of prominence for advancement of R&D in Biotech, Teaching and Training in the North Eastern States (NER) of India.


  • The award will be awarded to still in service or retired Indian scientists or technologists, below the age of 70 years as on 30th September 2016.
  • Those persons who are in service must get their applications forwarded through proper channel, with validation from the Head of their parent institution.

Number of Awards:

  • Up to 12 for the year 2016-17; if the Committee finds more eligible candidates, the number can be increased.


  • 3 months to one year

Award value:

  • The Visiting Professor will receive emoluments ranging from from Rs. 75,000/ month to Rs. 100,000/month with HRA based on the level of experience and expertise.
  • economy class return airfare
  • consumable grant upto Rs. 50,000/annum
  • contingency grant of Rs. 25,000/ (fixed)
  • Bench Fee provided to the Host institution is as follows: Rs.25, 000/- for three months tenure; Rs.50, 000/- for six months tenure, Rs.75, 000/- for 9 months tenure, and Rs.100, 000/- for one year tenure.
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationDepartment of Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India
Fellowship LevelFaculty
Subject areasBiotechnology
Fellowship amountVaries according to experiance
EligibilityOpen for Indian nationals
Deadline31 August 2016

For Further Details: Click


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