Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) offers Research Fellowships to enable researchers at an early stage of their scientific career to carry out a clearly defined research project at a place of their choice abroad or to apprise themselves with new scientific research methods

Duration: up to 2 years

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Applications are invited from German researchers from all disciplines who have completed their academic qualifications (PhD)
  • Applications are also invited from International researchers from all disciplines who have completed their scientific training (PhD) provided they have been resident in Germany for several years and have completed at least 3 years of scientific work as a doctoral or postdoctoral researcher in the German research system and state that they wish to continue to pursue their research in Germany in the future.
  • Limitations apply to early career researchers who, at the time of application, are abroad. As an exception, established researchers holding a PhD may submit proposals to allow them to dedicate themselves to a research project of particular importance.

DFG Proposal Requirements

High scientific quality and originality of a research project at an international level


  • Basic fellowship with monthly lump sum payment to cover maintenance and travel costs
  • Foreign allowance
  • Travel allowance
  • Publication costs
  • Children’s supplement
  • Support for costs associated with parenting –fellowship extension or childcare allowance

Proposal Deadlines

  • Proposals may be submitted at any time.
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Foundation
Fellowship LevelResearch awards
Subject areasAll disciplines
Fellowship amountMonthly fellowship
EligibilityOpen to International and German reserachers

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