Doctoral position: Political and Social Sciences 1238 views

The Department of Political and Social Sciences (Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science Research Center for Environmental Policy (FFU) at Free University of Berlin is offering a Doctoral position. “Transdisciplinary research on the disposal of highly radioactive waste in Germany” (TRANSENS) is the name of the joint project in which the Research Center for Environmental Policy (FFU) of the Free University of Berlin is involved. The project is funded by the BMWi and the NMWK (in advance of the VW Foundation in Lower Saxony)

  • Research, for example, with the following topics: political-economic repository governance, discourse analysis, conflict analysis, gender perspective, institutional architecture, participation formats for high-risk technologies, transdisciplinary research in socio-technical contexts (the application must include an exposés (5-10 pages) for your own doctoral project),
  • Participation in the academic self-administration (optional),


  • Applicant must have completed academic university degree (diploma, master, master) with a very good degree in political or social sciences.
  • Interest in the topics of social handling of highly radioactive waste and the search for a location for a repository
  • Ability to quickly familiarize yourself with new subject areas
  • Interest in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work in a larger research network
  • Independent working methods and initiative, methodical and systematic approach and structured and goal-oriented thinking
  • Experience in scientific work and in conducting interviews
  • Methodological competence in empirical social research
  • High level of motivation, ability to work in a team, flexibility and enthusiasm for the topic
  • Very good written and spoken German and English skills

How to apply:

  • Apply online
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationFree University of Berlin
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasPolitical Sciences, Social Sciences
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
DeadlineJune 23, 2020

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