Recruitment & Assessment Centre (RAC) invites online applications from graduate engineers and post graduates in Science including students who have appeared in their final year examination through RAC for recruitment to the posts of Scientist `B’ (including Backlog vacancies of OBC/SC/ST) in Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO), Scientist `B’ in Department of Science & Technology (DST), Scientist/Engineer `B’ in Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), and Executive Engineer in Gallium Arsenide Enabling Technology Centre (GAETEC).


  • Electronics & Comm. Engg
  • Mechanical Engg
  • Computer Science & Engg
  • Chemical Engg
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Electrical Engg
  • Aeronautical Engg
  • Mathematics
  • Metallurgy
  • Material Science
  • Civil Engg
  • Geology
  • Instrumentation Engg
  • Textile Engg
  • Production/Industrial Production Engg
  • Food Science


  • Candidates are required to register online at the RAC website
  • On successful registration, the candidates may login before the closing date of the advertisement to fill the application form online.
  • The candidates are required to upload the requisite certificates, the details of the application fee payment (if not exempted) and lock the application before submission of the same.
  • The GATE paper and the subject of qualifying degree of the candidates must be as per the discipline‐wise table provided.
  • Candidates are advised to be careful while filling their GATE score as the short listing will be based on the GATE score filled in the application/bio-data form.


  • Self-attested certificates/testimonials regarding Date of Birth (Matriculation /High School Certificate or Birth Certificate issued by appropriate local authority), Essential and Higher qualification along with mark‐sheets, caste, EWS status, ex‐servicemen, employment etc.
  • The maximum file size of each attachment should not exceed 500KB and it must be legible when a printout is taken.
  • A recent passport size colour photograph (size not exceeding 30 KB; resolution of 110 x 140 pixels).
  • Scanned sample of candidate’s signature.
  • Valid GATE score card (Category II candidates in Part‐I disciplines exempted from this requirement).
  • The candidates, whether in Govt Service or in Govt owned organisations, should upload a signed declaration that they have informed their Cadre Controlling Authority (CCA) in writing that they have applied for the post of Scientist ‘B’ in DRDO/Scientist ‘B’ in DST/ Scientist/Engineer ‘B’ in ADA/ Executive Engineer in GAETEC.
  • A provision will be made for the candidates who have appeared in final year examination, to upload their degree/provisional degree certificate online till 30 Sep 2020.
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationDefence Research & Development Organization (DRDO)
Fellowship LevelScientist
Subject areasEngineering, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Material Sciences, Geology
Fellowship amountAs per GoI rules
EligibilityOpen to Indian nationals only
DeadlineClosing date: July 10th 2020

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