EN-ACTI2NG: Anti-Cancer Immuno-Therapy Improvement, PhD fellowship 1208 views

The EN-ACTI2NG (European Network on Anti-Cancer Immuno-Therapy Improvement by modification of CAR and TCR Interactions and Nanoscale Geometry) Initial Training Network, funded by the H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions program, derives from the recent clinical evidence that T cells expressing engineered tumor-specific immune receptors can eradicate certain tumors that do not respond to conventional treatment. A position for Early Stage Researcher (f/m) PhD fellowship is vacant and applications are invited for the same.

Duration: until 12/2020.

Role and responsibilities:
  • experimental cancer biology and immunology research on the highest level
  • laboratory management
  • teaching to undergraduate students


  • applicant must be in possession of/finishing the program leading to a degree (usually the Master Degree) in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, (Bio-)Physics, Engineering, Medical Sciences.
  • Applicants that are still in the course of obtaining the qualifying degree should include in their application an official declaration by their program director specifying the date at which the degree will be awarded.
  • Applicant shall, at the time of recruitment by the host organization, be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of her/his research career and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.
  • Applicant must also fulfill the mobility rule: at the time of recruitment by the host organization, the researcher must not have resided or carried out her/his main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Germany for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before the reference date.


  • Applications must include:
  • CV including a valid e-mail address and telephone number
  • Copy of qualifying degree and obtained grades
  • Letter of motivation
  • 2 recommendation letters
  • All documents to be sent in a single pdf file to the following e-mail addresses: hinrich.abken@uk-koeln.de, hinrich.abken@ukr.de and enacti2ng@cbm.csic.es.
—————–Quick Overview————-
OrganizationMarie Skłodowska-Curie grant
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasBiological Sciences, Chemistry, (Bio-)Physics, Engineering, Medical Sciences
Fellowship amountAs per MSCA rules
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline1 August 2018

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