Institute of Environmental Engineering has an open position for one Postdoctoral position in Urban Hydrometeorology and Ecohydrology at the Future Cities Laboratory. Location of the project is CREATE Tower, NUS University Town, Singapore.

Future Cities Lab is one of two enormous research programs run under the sponsorship of the Singapore-ETH Centre. The base of the FCL approach lies in integrating science, technology and design in order to better understand urban systems, provide tools to improve their construction and management, and shape the future of cities by providing design scenarios based upon the best technology and scientific understanding.

Qualifications and Requirements:

  • Applicant must be responsible for completing the scientific tasks of the ecohydrology/hydrometeorology module within the EES project as well as will interface with the other project partners and assist the work of a PhD student appointed in the same module.
  • Applicant must have exceptional organizational skills
  • Applicants must have excellent communication skills (oral/written).
  • Command of English is essential requirement.
  • Some experience in project management and team leadership will be an asset.
  • Applicant must have a PhD degree in the field of Hydrometeorology/ Ecohydrology/ Hydrology/ Atmospheric Sciences or a related discipline.
  • Applicants with an interdisciplinary background are particularly welcome, but knowledge of planetary boundary layer modelling, meteorological and hydrological modelling is considered an important asset.
  • Beforehand experience with similar research in urban environments and in urban-heat island issues will be valuable.
  • Familiarity of numerical weather models such as WRF, COSMO, OLAM, and/or experience with large-eddy simulations (LES) will be valued very high.
  • Quantitative and modelling skills, thereby including programming skills, are a prerequisite for the position. Theoretical and modelling work in this respect is expected to be the main focus of the position.


  • The successful applicant will be offered a Postdoctoral position for 2 years.
  • The contract conditions follow the Singapore-ETH Centre regulations.


  • Submit application online
  • Resume
  • Cover letter
  • Grade transcripts and certificates
  • 2 Reference letters with contact information
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationETH Zurich (Singapore-ETH Centre)
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasEnvironmental Sciences
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen for applicants of all nationalities
Deadline15 August 2016


Prof. Dr. Paolo Burlando, e-mail

Dr. Simone Fatichi, E-Mail

For Further Details: Click


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