Faculty Positions: NIT Mizoram (Science and Engineering) 5077 views

Faculty Positions at National Institute of Technology Mizoram (NIT Mizoram), India.

Designation: Faculty Positions (Professor, Associate Professor)

NIT Mizoram, India invites application for Faculty Positions from eligible and interested candidates

Research Area- Civil Engineering/ Computer Science and Engineering/ Electronics and Communication Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Electrical and Electronics Engineering/

Eligibility Conditions/Qualification

As per UGC regulations


National Institute of Technology Mizoram invites applications from Indian Nationals for the recruitment of Faculty positions at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor

Professor (At entry level of pay level 14A as per 7th CPC)

DepartmentNo. of Vacancies
Civil Engineering (CE)1
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)1
Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)1
Mechanical Engineering (ME)1

Associate Professor (At entry level of pay level 13A2 as per 7th CPC)

DepartmentNo. of Vacancies
Civil Engineering (CE)1
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)1
Electrical & Electronics Engineering (EEE)1
Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)1
Mechanical Engineering (ME)1

How to Apply- 

  1. The eligible and interested candidates are required to fill and submit the soft copy of the application in the prescribed Application Form available at the Institute website. The soft copy of the filled application form along with all the enclosures must be sent to registrar@nitmz.ac.in.

Deadline:  12 February 2021 (5:00 pm).

Quick Overview————-
OrganizationNational Institute of Technology Mizoram (NIT Mizoram)
Fellowship LevelFaculty
Subject areasMultiple Disciplines
Fellowship amountAs per UGC norms
EligibilityOpen to Indian nationals
Deadline12 February 2021

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