São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Post-Doctoral fellowship is aimed at distinguished researchers with a recent PhD degree and a successful research track record. The fellowship enables the development of research within higher education and research institutions located in the State of São Paulo.
Modalities of Postdoc fellowships:
- Post-doctorate fellowships linked to Research Projects: Major FAPESP funded research projects (e.g. Thematic Projects, RIDCs, Young Investigator Awards and the Biota Program) can be granted post-doctoral fellowships as part of their research budget. Post-doctorate fellowships in this category can only be applied for when a position is announced.
- On demand Post-doctorate fellowships: Applications for Post-Doctoral fellowships which are not connected to ongoing FAPESP funded projects must be developed by the candidate in association with faculty in higher education and research institutions in Sao Paulo. The research project must represent an addition to a pre-existent research group. The application must be presented to FAPESP by the supervisor.
- Initially for 24 months; renewed for 12 months
- Fellowships are not awarded for periods shorter than six months.
Fellowship value:
- monthly stipend: R$ 6.819,30
- Research contingency funds
- Applicant must hold PhD less than seven years before the beginning of the Post-Doc fellowship.
- The fellowship holder may not hold any formal or informal employment nor receive, during the term of the fellowship, a fellowship from another entity, salary or remuneration deriving from the exercise of activities of whatever nature
Quick Overview————- | |
Organization | São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) |
Fellowship Level | Postdoctoral |
Country | Brazil |
Subject areas | All disciplines |
Fellowship amount | R$ 6.819,30 |
Eligibility | Open to all nationalities |
Deadline | Rolling |
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