Fisheries Sciences: M.Phil, PhD, Ghana 1628 views

Applications are invited for Scholarships for PhD and M.Phil candidates for the 2016/17 academic year at the Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences. The Funding Agency is United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

PhD Degree (Fisheries Sciences): Applications are open from qualified candidates for the award of five scholarships to gain PhD degrees at the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences of the University of Cape Coast in the following academic disciplines: Fisheries Science

  • Aquaculture
  • Oceanography and Limnology
  • Integrated Coastal Zone Management


  • Master’s degree (Grade: A or B+) from a renowned university in Fisheries Science, Conservation Science, Oceanography, , Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Coastal Resources Management, Aquaculture, Environmental Science, Aquatic Ecology, Environmental Governance, Marine Policy, Natural Resource Management, Limnology.
  • Applicant shall submit: Application, CV, Motivation letter, Letters of recommendation (2), Research proposal (5 page)

M.Phil Degree (Fisheries Sciences): Applications are open from well qualified candidates for the award of 5 full scholarships at the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. The M.Phil degree will cover two academic years. The scholarships cover tuition fee, monthly stipends, and field research finances as well as material and technical support.


  • Qualify for admission into the Master’s course at the University.
  • Bachelors’ degree (Upper Division) from a reputed university in a relevant subject
  • Submit duly filled Application form, CV, Motivation Letter, Letters of recommendation.
—————Quick Overview————-
UniversityUniversity Of Cape Coast
Fellowship LevelPhD, M.Phil
Subject areas

Fisheries Science, Oceanography, Limnology, Aquatic Ecology, Environmental Science, Environmental Governance, Marine Policy, Natural Resource Management.

Fellowship amount
EligibilityRead Requirements
Deadline31st March, 2016.

Government of Ghana’s (GoG) proposal on food security the US Government (USG) through the USAID is supporting a five year programme for fisheries and coastal management in Ghana. The venture contributes to GoG’s overall fisheries and coastal development programme and USAID’s feed the Future (FtF) enterprise

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