Fritz Thyssen Foundation Stipends are supporting highly qualified individual junior scholars that have PhD degrees in a research project over a limited period of time. They are to be offered the opportunity to fully concentrate on the research project they have selected with the help of a postdoc stipend.

Subject areas for which Fritz Thyssen Foundation Stipends can be availed:

  1. History, Language and Culture
  2. The interdisciplinary field “Image and Imagery”
  3. State, Economy & Society
  4. International Relations
  5. Medicine
  6. Natural Sciences

Eligibility, Information & Conditions:

  • To apply for a research stipend, the PhD degree procedure must have been done with the defense of or doctoral viva; preliminary degree certificate is to be submitted.
  • Applicant must not have received their PhD degree more than one or two years previously.
  • Project should be planned for a period of one to two years.
  • Stipend must be connected with a scholarly project that is independent of any outside influence and be based on individual initiative and be carried out at a school of higher learning or at a non-profit research facility.
  • Stipends are not awarded for doctoral dissertations or postdoc research or to complete such works to follow up support through other institutions; nor can stipends be used to support students at the bachelor’s or master’s level.
  • Generally, applications that have been rejected by the Foundation are not revised.

Application Procedure:

  1. Application form; to be signed in the original
  2. Detailed explanation of the research project: topic, present state of research, initial work done including a list of the publications, planned procedure, theories and methods, time schedule and work plan (around 10 to 15 pages)
  3. Bibliography on the topic
  4. Resume
  5. Statement that application of this or a similar kind is not under consideration anywhere, nor has any such application been submitted to any other organization.
  6. Informal verification that it is possible for the applicant to work at the planned research site by the planned supervisor
  7. If applicable, detailed budget for planned stays abroad
  8. The application documents are to be sent as single copies (unstapled and unbound) by postal service. Applications may be submitted in German or in English.
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationFritz Thyssen Foundation
Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasRead above
Fellowship amount€ 1,800/month
EligibilityOpen for all nationalities

For Further Details: Click

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