Hector Research Career Development Award for young scientists 2096 views


Since 2020, the Hector Fellow Academy offers the opportunity to apply for the Hector Research Career Development Award (Hector RCD Award).

About the position:

  1. W1 assistant professors (with or without Tenure Track) and junior research group leaders in similar positions in natural or engineering sciences, medicine or psychology who work at German universities or research institutions are encouraged in further strengthening their independent research.
  2. The Award is endowed with 25,000 € and includes, among others, additional funding for one doctoral position.
  3. It is awarded annually to 3-5 scientists. At least 50% of the awards each year are reserved for female scientists.
  4. The Hector Fellow Academy is pursuing the following goals with the Hector RCD Award:
    1. Active promotion of researchers on their way to a professorship
    2. Expansion of the scientific life within the HFA
    3. Increasing the number of female scientists in the HFA
    4. Building new opportunities for cooperation between Hector Fellows and the Awardees

Eligibility criteria:

  • W1 assistant professors (with or without Tenure Track) or own junior research group leaders in natural or engineering sciences, medicine or psychology (e.g. Emmy-Noether Programme (DFG), Sofja Kovalevskaja Award (AvH), or similar)
  • Doctorate or PhD-equivalent less than seven years prior the application with exceptional results
  • Employment at a German university, Fraunhofer-Institute, Helmholtz-Center, Leibniz-Institute or Max Planck Institute
  • formal or content-related right to supervise a doctorate
  • support by the head of institute for the project

How to apply:

  • For further information on the requirements and a detailed list of all documents required for the application, please refer to the document ‘Program Information for Applicants‘.
  • Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Documents can be in German or English. The data protection regulationsof the Hector Fellow Academy apply.
  • Applicants will be informed by the end of the year whether they are in the second round. The final selection round takes place in February.
Quick Overview———
OrganizationHector Fellow Academy
Subject areasNatural or engineering sciences, medicine ,psychology

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