Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Research and innovation invites applications for 15 Early Stage Researcher/PhD positions for its HYCOAT project. The project aims to provide an interdisciplinary and multi- training platform. The project deals with the synthesis and applications of hybrid coatings grown by Molecular Layer Deposition (MLD).
- Applicant must hold a Master degree or equivalent degree which formally entitles them to embark on a doctorate; should not already hold a PhD degree.
- Applicant must not have stayed or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of their host organization for more than a year in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment.
- Applicant must demonstrate excellent proficiency IN English (both written and spoken English)
Starting date: Before 01.07.2018
Duration: 36-48 months (depends on country)
How to apply
- Applications with the following documents to be sent by email to the HYCOAT project coordinator,
- Motivation letter containing research interests, skills, career plans, reasons for applying for this program (1 or 2 pages).
- Full CV including nationality/citizenship info, academic/education history, research experience, experimental skills, list of publications where applicable.
- Applicant must provide sufficient detail regarding where he/she have resided and/or engaged in work or study between 01.02.2015 and the date of submission.
- Diploma (copy) of Master degree or equivalent degree which formally entitle to embark on a doctorate, including annexes with marks/classifications.
- 2 recommendation letters or contact details of two referees (if referees prefer to send the letters directly to the HYCOAT consortium, please ask them to e-mail to before the deadline).
- For applicants from non-English speaking countries, please attach copies of recent English language certificates where available.
- List of maximum 3 selected PhD topics in order of preference.
- Applications for the PhD positions ESR8 and ESR9 should be done to AND to in parallel.
Partner Organizations:
- Aalto University: Finland
- CIC nanoGUNE Consolider: Spain
- Ghent University (UGent): Belgium
- IMEC: Belgium
- KU Leuven: Belgium
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB): Germany
- TNO: Netherlands
- Tyndall National Institute: Ireland
- University of Helsinki (UHel): Finland
- University of Oslo (UiO): Norway
- ESR 1: Precursor chemistry for MLD (Work Package 1)
- ESR 2: Precursor engineering for ALD/MLD process (Work Package 1)
- ESR 3: Intrinsically porous MLD coatings (Work Package 1)
- ESR 4: Novel plasma based processing strategies for MLD (Work Package 1)
- ESR 5: Multi-scale modelling of MLD mechanism (Work Package 1)
- ESR 6: Synchrotron based techniques for in situ characterization of MLD processes (Work Package 1)
- ESR 7: Reactor concepts and processes for Spatial MLD (Work Package 1)
- ESR 8: Electronic functionalization of packaging materials (Work Package 2)
- ESR 9: (Bio)functionalized gas permeation barriers through Vapour Phase Infiltration and Spatial MLD (Work Package 2)
- ESR 10: Bioactive surfaces for cell growth through MLD (Work Package 3)
- ESR 11: Hybrid coatings for enhancing bone compatibility (Work Package 3)
- ESR 12: Hybrid low-k materials (Work Package 4)
- ESR 13: Thermoelectric thin film module based on n- and p-type inorganic-organic superlattice components (Work Package 4)
- ESR 14: MLD of solid composite electrolyte coatings for high-voltage Li-ion batteries (Work Package 5)
- ESR 15: MLD-based conformal deposition of dual conductor coatings for all-solid state batteries (Work Package 5)
—————–Quick Overview————- | |
Organization | Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant |
Fellowship Level | Doctoral |
Country | Belgium, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway and Spain |
Subject areas | Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Engineering |
Fellowship amount | in accordance with the MSCA regulations |
Eligibility | Open to all nationalities |
Deadline | 08 January 2018 |
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