IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) Postdoctoral Fellowships for Training in Cancer Research is now open. Early career scientists seeking to complete their training in those aspects of cancer research related to the Agency’s mission, are invited to apply.


  • Epidemiology (all disciplines included)
  • Biostatistics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Areas related to mechanisms of carcinogenesis including molecular and cell biology, molecular genetics, epigenetics, and molecular pathology.

Location: Fellowships are tenable at IARC in Lyon, France.

Duration: The Fellowship is for a period of 2 years; extendable to the 2nd year (subjected to satisfactory appraisal).


  • Fellowship is open to all nationalities (applicant from any country is eligible).
  • Applicant must hold PhD degree in the 5 years preceding the closing date for applications.
  • Applicant in the final year of their PhD studies are eligible to apply but must have received their degree by the time of starting their Fellowship (30 November 2017 at the latest).
  • Applicant must be proficient in English at a level sufficient for scientific communication (working languages at IARC are English and French).
  • Applicants currently working as IARC-funded postdoctoral scientists, or candidates who have worked at the Agency as a postdoc for a period greater than 6 months, are ineligible.

Fellowship value:

  • The annual stipend with dependent allowance is competitive compared with other international fellowship schemes.
  • The cost of travel for the Fellow, and in certain circumstances for dependents, will be met
  • Health insurance covered

How to apply:

  • Apply On-line
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationInternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
Fellowship LevelPostdoctoral
Subject areasOncology, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen for all nationalities
Deadline30 November 2017

For Further Details: Click


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