IMPRS-UFAST: International PhD programme; 16 positions 2670 views

The International Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics (IMPRS-UFAST) is a joint venture of the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, the Universität Hamburg, the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), and the European XFEL GmbH. IMPRS-UFAST is an interdisciplinary programme.

Specific research areas:
  • theoretical and experimental aspects of condensed matter and atomically resolved dynamics
  • fundamental light-matter interaction
  • accelerator-based light sources
  • coherent imaging coherent controlled molecular and solid state dynamics
  • molecule imaging
  • extreme timescale spectroscopy
  • ultrafast optics and X-ray science
  • relevance and applications in chemistry, biology and medicine


  • Applications are open to motivated candidates worldwide.
  • Applicant must hold or are about to obtain M.Sc. degree in Physics, Chemistry or Biochemistry.
  • Applicant must have a strong background in one of these disciplines and an interest to do research in the field of ultrafast imaging and structural dynamics.
  • An English language test (TOEFL, IELTS) is normally required for the purpose of application.


  • Apply Online and uplaod the following supporting documents
  • CV
  • Letter of Motivation and Research Interests
  • Masters Certificate and Transcript
  • Bachelors Certificate and Transcript
  • English Language Confirmation (e.g. test certificates like TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Advanced English test, Cambridge Professional English test)

Open PhD projects 2019

  1. 2019-UFAST-AC1Probing nonlinear phononics through femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy (Andrea Cavalleri)
  2. 2019-UFAST-AC2Ultrafast control of electrical transport in quantum materials (Andrea Cavalleri)
  3. 2019-UFAST-AC3Terahertz control of Josephson Plasma Waves in high temperature superconductors (Andrea Cavalleri)
  4. 2019-UFAST-AC4Light control of superconductivity in high temperature organic superconductors (Andrea Cavalleri)
  5. 2019-UFAST-AP1Understanding the molecular basis of radiation resistance in proteins (Arwen Pearson)
  6. 2019-UFAST-AR1Dynamical properties of solids (Angel Rubio)
  7. 2019-UFAST-AR2Nonadiabatic theory for light-matter interaction (Angel Rubio)
  8. 2019-UFAST-AR3Dissipation and decoherence in strong light-matter coupling (Angel Rubio)
  9. 2019-UFAST-AR4Nonadiabatic dynamics in condensed phase systems (Angel Rubio)
  10. 2019-UFAST-FK1THz Acceleration and X-ray Sources (Franz X. Kärtner)
  11. 2019-UFAST-HC1Macromolecular diffractive imaging at extreme intensities (Henry Chapman)
  12. 2019-UFAST-HC2Macromolecular diffractive imaging using disordered crystals (Henry Chapman)
  13. 2019-UFAST-HS1Ultrafast electronic and structural dynamics in organic molecular solids (Heinrich Schwoerer)
  14. 2019-UFAST-MS1Investigating chirality using microwave spectroscopy (Melanie Schnell)
  15. 2019-UFAST-MS2Astrochemistry (Melanie Schnell)
  16. 2019-UFAST-NH1Structural dynamics of (bio-) molecular systems (Nils Huse)
—————–Quick Overview————-

International Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics


Fellowship LevelDoctoral
Subject areasPhysics and Chemistry, Biochemistry
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities
Deadline2nd December 2018.

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