The Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas(IRHPA) program of Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) supports proposals in high priority areas where multidisciplinary / multi-institutional expertise is required which will put the nation in international science map in that particular discipline.


  • Applications are open to Scientists from Universities, their affiliated Colleges, IITs, IISc., and other Autonomous Research Institutions along with scientists working in the industrial R&D sector in India can submit a proposal under this scheme.

Research Areas:

  • Life Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Mathematical Sciences

High priority areas as identified by the Sub-Committee of the SERB:

  1. Advanced Functional Materials
  2. Energy
  3. Catalysis, Process Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry and Chemical ecology
  4. Surface and Interfacial Science
  5. Quantum Computing and Spintronics
  6. Complex systems
  7. Synthetic Biology
  8. Genetic & Genomic approaches
  9. Stem Cell Biology
  10. Big Data
  11. Mechanobiology / Physical Biology
  12. Bio-energy, Genetic to Physiology
  13. Mental Health
  14. High Performance Computation in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics
  15. Humanoid Robotics
  16. Congnitive Science
  17. Mechnotronics
  18. Advanced Manufacturing
  19. Cyber Security
  20. Encryption and decryption
  21. Sensor Array Technology
  22. System-Centric Design
  23. Medical Robotics
  24. Advanced Manufacturing
  25. Petroleum and Petro-Chemical Engg
  26. Science of Climate Change
  27. Glaciology
  28. Modelling in Earth Sciences
  29. Imaging
  30. Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimizations
  31. Analysis including Wavelet Analysis

Duration: 5years


  • Online Application
  • Documents required (in PDF) to be in prescribed format: (as in other programmes): Bio-Data of PI and Co.PI.
  • Certificate from Principal Investigator
  • Endorsement Letter from the Head of Institution
  • List of Potential Users and their response
————–Quick Overview————-
Organization Science and Engineering Board (SERB)
Fellowship Level Scientist
Country India
Subject areas

Life Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Mathematical Sciences

Fellowship amount Not mentioned
Eligibility Open to Indian nationals
Deadline Application accepted twice a year (April, September)

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