International Climate Protection Fellowships 3126 views

International Climate Protection Fellowships are supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The fellowship enables prospective leaders in academia and industry to implement a research-based proposal in the field of climate protection or climate-related resource conservation.

Duration: 1 year in Germany

Number of fellowships: Up to 20 Fellowships are granted every year

Target group:

  • prospective leaders from non-European transition and developing countries


  • Bachelor’s or equivalent degree completed less than 12 years previously, counting back from the end of the application period (1 March 2018)
  • Applicant must demonstrate leadership skills by initial experience in leadership positions and/or appropriate references
  • Applicant must hold work experience ( min. 48 months at the time of application) or a successfully completed PhD in the field of climate protection or climate-related resource conservation
  • Applicant must provide some scientific publications (for post-doctoral applicants) in peer-reviewed journals according to international standards
  • Applicant must provide detailed statement by a host in Germany, including a supervision agreement; details of the proposal must be discussed with the prospective host prior to application
  • Applicant must possess excellent knowledge of English and/or German, (evident by language certificates)
  • Applicant must arrange 2 expert references by individuals qualified to comment on the candidate’s professional, personal and academic eligibility as well as the leadership potential.

Fellowship value:

  • monthly fellowship amount: €2,150 or €2,450 for fellows without PhD degree and €2,650/month for postdoctoral researchers
  • includes a mobility lump sum
  • health and liability insurance
Quick Overview————-
OrganizationAlexander von Humboldt-Stiftung/Foundation
Fellowship LevelResearch awards
Subject areas

Climate Protection, Climate-Related Resource Conservation

Fellowship amount€2,150 and €2,650
EligibilityOpen to all nationaities
Deadline1 February 2022


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