International Scholarships: University of South Australia 5532 views

International Scholarships at University of South Australia: About the University: Research is critical in solving many of the world’s current and future challenges. As Australia’s leading university for interdisciplinary research*, the University of South Australia is inspired by these challenges and committed to developing forward thinking, user-led solutions that have real impacts.

Scholarships listed here are available to international research degree applicants. Where a year is not listed, the same date applies every year. If a scholarship has an external application process, you will need to nominate UniSA as your university of choice.

Many scholarships are industry or area specific. However, a few key scholarships are available to international applicants in any discipline. These include the University-wide scholarships (see below) and the Endeavour Awards (open to students from specified countries). Please note this is not an exhaustive listing, and you are encouraged to search for additional opportunities.

University-wide scholarships for international applicants

The University of South Australia offers the following scholarships to international applicants.

  1. International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)
  2. University President’s Scholarships (UPS)
  3. International Research Tuition Scholarship (IRTS)
  4. International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS)
  5. International Postgraduate Research Scholarships (IPRS) are funded by the Australian Government and awarded to international candidates on the basis of academic merit and research potential.

An IPRS will cover your tuition fees and your Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), and provide a stipend (living allowance), but will not pay for travel expenses. A thesis allowance is funded to cover the cost of printing and binding the thesis.

Benefits and conditions

The UPS scholarship benefits and conditions will be sent with an offer of scholarship and you should read them carefully prior to signing an acceptance form.

Tuition fees plus a living allowance of at least $26,288 per annum (2016 stipend rate).


Graduate Research Centre
Tel: +61 8 8302 5880
Fax: +61 8 8302 0828

International Research Tuition Scholarship (IRTS)

For high quality international higher degree by research applicants in receipt of a fully externally funded living stipend, UniSA may provide an International Research Tuition Scholarship (IRTS).


The IRTS will cover the international tuition fee for 3 years (plus a possibility of a 6 month extension) for a PhD student and the international tuition fee for 2 years for a research master’s student.

The scholarship does not cover overseas health cover and applicants are responsible for ensuring they have visa length overseas health cover for themselves and, if applicable, their family.


In addition to meeting UniSA’s eligibility criteria, applicants must be:

Commencing international research degree students

High quality with demonstrated research capability

Be supported by a strong supervisory panel

In receipt of (or been awarded) a fully externally funded stipend scholarship, or in receipt of a living stipend supported by external funding.

All applications will be assessed against the University’s Research Degrees Scholarship Allocation Guidelines: Competitive Commonwealth and University of South Australian funded scholarships.

Quick Overview
OrganizationUniversity of South Australia
Fellowship LevelBachelor, Master and PhD
Subject areasAll disciplines offered at the University
Fellowship amount
EligibilityAll nationalities
DeadlineVaries according to the discipline

How to apply

You can apply for an International Research Tuition Scholarship at any time of the year.
Applications must be made online via the University’s Apply Online facility.
Apply online

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