International Summer School (ISS), New Delhi 2604 views

International Summer School, New Delhi (ISS) is an exhaustive, 6-week academic programme that brings together students from all over the world as they study and interact with one another over the course of a summer in India’s national capital.

The programme is an initiative of the New Delhi-based Centre for Escalation of Peace (CEP), the programme is organized every year under the Government’s acclaimed Incredible !ndia campaign banner, with the support of the MEA.

About the programme:

The six-week programme at the ISS has been divided into 2 distinct components:

  • 4 -week academic session: classes will take place on campus at JNU
  • 2-week Fieldwork experience: will be held after the academic session and this will include the opportunity to volunteer for social causes.

Study areas:

  • Indian Politics
  • Indian Economy
  • Indian Sociology
  • Indian History.


  • Applicant must have completed high school certification
  • Applicant must have secured admission into or enrolment in a higher education programme viz., undergraduate or postgraduate or a technical/vocational programme.
  • Working professionals are also more than welcome to come and attend the ISS.
  • The programme is open to individuals of all nationalities and Indian nationals are also encouraged to apply.


  • The application process for our 2017 session is currently underway.
  • Stage I of the process will close on April 30, 2018 and Stage II shortly afterwards.
—————Quick Overview————-
OrganizationCentre for Escalation of Peace (CEP), Govt of India
Fellowship LevelBachelor’s/Master’s
Subject areasPolitical Science, History, Sociology, Economics
Fellowship amountVaries
EligibilityOpen to all nationalities as well as to Indian nationals
DeadlineAugust 2nd, 2019


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