Research Council is currently finalizing details for the 2019 Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (GOIPD) and for CAROLINE – ‘Collaborative Research Scholarships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe’ MSCA Co-funded (2018).

Further information and supporting documentation will be available on the Irish Research Council website once the final dates have been confirmed. In the meantime, the Council wishes to advise interested parties of the indicative funding call timings as follows:

Government of Ireland Postdoctoral

Fellowship Scheme (GOIPD)

Mid October 2018       End November 2019

CAROLINE – ‘Collaborative Research

Scholarships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe’ MSCA Co-funded





Mid October 2018       End November 2019

The timings provided here are indicative, may be subject to change by the Council. Potential candidates should also note that, once dates are finalized and Terms and Conditions are published by the Council, they should carefully ascertain whether they are eligible to apply to the scheme (e.g. PhD graduation dates, etc.) – see upcoming ‘eligibility flowchart’ in the relevant guides for Candidates.

IMPORTANT: Candidates should choose whether they wish to apply for the GOIPD fellowship or for CAROLINE fellowship. Concurrent applications to both schemes will not be possible. Candidates who submit applications under both schemes will be deemed ineligible.

2018 Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (GOIPD)

There are 2 types of Fellowship available through the Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme. Candidates may only apply for one Fellowship.

Fellowship Duration Purpose 1 year Government of Ireland Fellowship One year Preparation of a doctoral dissertation for publication through a variety of appropriate, feasible and clear published outputs, e.g. monographs, peer-reviewed articles, edited volumes.

2 year Government of Ireland Fellowship 2 years To develop a new research project which is a significant development from the subject of the doctorate through a variety of appropriate, feasible and clear published outputs.

CAROLINE – ‘Collaborative Research Scholarships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe’ MSCA Co-funded (2018)

The Council has been awarded funding by the Research Executive Agency under the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions to co-fund a research fellowship scheme with international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary mobility elements.

The aims of scholarships are to support suitably qualified experienced researchers in any discipline to:

  1. conduct research relevant to the overarching theme of global sustainable development as set out under the United Nations 2030 Agenda for shared economic prosperity, social development, and environmental protection1 ;
  2. engage in international collaboration with suitable non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or international organisations (IOs);
  3. experience and benefit from international mobility;
  4. avail of relevant training and career development opportunities; increase their chances of gaining a future senior research position, including in the non-academic sector.

Deadline:  6 September 2018

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